Chapter 25; First Day of Training

Start from the beginning

"Okay, it's relatively clear we don't need to train that part of your quirk. Does distance matter with your shortcuts?"

"Nope, as long as I've been there at least once before, and have a clear image in my head, I can go wherever I please."

"Is there a duration?"

"Hmm...I think I can do, maybe ten shortcuts back to back before needing more energy."

"Great! That's something we can work with. What about close combat? There will be times where you can't rely on your quirk."

"Well, Miss Mandalay, see these massive muscles? I am the strongest one in my whole class."

Sans's words were very sarcasm heavy, drawing a smirk out of Mandalay and a snicker from Pixie.

"Tibia, honest with ya, I'm pretty weak. I am a master at dodging however. Never been beat in a snowball fight yet."

"Alright, we'll get Tiger to help you with weight training tomorrow. For today, we'll work on your shortcuts."


Sans was exhausted and starving. His magic had been stretched to its limits. He had to walk all over the forest, the houses, and the mountains; and that was the easy part! Sans had to use shortcuts to go all over the damn place without eating or sleeping. After his twenty-first short cut, he was flat on his back on the mountain, struggling to stay awake. Everytime he fell asleep, Mandalay added a weighted bracelet to his wrists and ankles. He had three bracelets on each.

"Good job Sans. Can you do one last shortcut back to the house, or do we need to send Tiger to get you?"

Sans found Mandalay's telepath quirk to be interesting, but startling at times.

"Hah, I can try another shortcut to the main house, but I might end up somewhere unexpected."

"Well then, it's a good thing you're interning with Japan's best search and rescue crew."

"Don't I know it. Okay, make room, I'm going to try to shortcut in front of the door."

Sans stood up and started walking. There was the short passage through the void, and...he was back at his house. On the kitchen table. In the Pussycat "Kitten's Uniform" Ragdoll made them. With Natsumi cuddling Ichika from behind while Ichika made Pancakes for dinner.

(Sans's "Kitten's Uniform" is made by nonbinary_individual and is up top)


"Hey Ma. Do we have any more snacks, or ketchup, or anything to replenish my magic?"

"There are some brownies in the fridge. Take the whole tray back with you to share."

"Thanks Mom."

Sans was a little hesitant to continue calling them Ma and Mom, but they didn't reject it, so Sans was embracing it wholeheartedly. After snacking on two brownies, he successfully managed a shortcut back to the main building, but he wasn't on the ground. He was on the roof.

"Sans! There you are! When Ragdoll couldn't find you the Pussycats left the Beasts Forest!"

Mina was so happy Sans wasn't trapped anywhere or really hurt. She quickly sent a text to Tiger that Sans was back and stuck on the roof.

"So where'd you end up?"

"Back home, strangely. Here, Ma made some brownies."

Sans lowered the brownies on a very off balanced blaster.

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