I laughed. "Maybe because I'm very sure you'll attempt to kill his new girlfriend, before eating up her remains for dessert,"

Scarily, she didn't deny my accusations nearly as quickly as I thought she would and instead continued to stare solemnly at me. "I wouldn't eat them...," she said slowly.

Genuinely scared now, I opened my mouth to speak before I was interrupted by the sound of a sharp whistle.

Turning to the front of the hall, I found our thirty-something-year-old blonde cheer coach standing towards the front of the hall with a whistle in between her lips.

"You all did well today, guys. We just need to work on getting higher in those stunts, and straightening out those legs. I want this to be perfect guys, okay," she called out.

"Yes, coach," everyone called back.

"Alright, guys, you're dismissed," she announced.

Shoving my book back into my bag, I clambered along with everyone to my feet. "Wait, not you Phoebe, stay back a second," the coach called out. Freezing a little in confusion, I turned back to face her.

"I'll call you later, okay," Ava said with a short smile before weaving her away around me to depart through the doors. As everyone gradually cleared away, I made my way slowly over to my coach.

Once we were alone, I cleared my throat. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

She gave me a curt smile. "That," she said, nodding her head down to my ankle.

Following her line, of sight, I found myself staring down at my heavily bandaged foot. It was a result of one too many harsh landings out of one of my more difficult tumbles. As much as I loved cheer, it could be an absolute bitch when it came to injuries. In a period of two years, I'd managed to pop out my shoulder, crack a rib, break three of my toes, and now on top of all that, I'd twisted my ankle. Plastering a fake smile of ease on my face, I shrugged. "And..what about my ankle?"

She sighed, giving me a sympathetic smile. "I know you can still do your stunts on it, but I need you back in tumbling as well. Do you reckon you can land on it?" She asked cautiously.


"Sure, of course," I nodded.

A relieved smile crossed her face. "Excellent! I'll work you back into the tumbling part of the routine, next practice," she beamed. "See you then, have a good evening," she said, nodding her head for me to go.

Turning to go, I made it as far as the doors before I heard the coach call out my name. "Yeah," I said, as I turned back around.

"Sorry, Phoebe but would you mind doing me a massive favor and rounding up any lost property you find in the boy's locker room?" She asked while shooting me a guilty smile.

I was just about to mumble back a sure, but then I paused, latching on to one keyword. "The boy's changing room?" I repeated back slowly, making sure I heard her right.

She nodded her head. "Yeah, and don't worry, nobody's in there. The swim team should have packed up and left, a long while ago," she said while waving a flippant hand.

Relief instantly washed through me as I realized she didn't expect me to wander boldly in between a bunch of smelly, half-naked boys.

Giving her a nod goodbye, I rounded up my jacket and bag before making my way over to the locker rooms. Whistling a little tune to myself, I fished my wireless headphones out of my bag and hooked them over my head. As I scrolled through my phone for an appropriate playlist, I lazily pushed open the boy's locker room door with my hip. Now, what was I thinking to listen to...

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