The beginning of a story

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"You guys cant be serious!" Amanda said looking dumbfounded

"Completely serious." Meela laid a map on the table

"This is dumb." Chloe complained. She was right this was dumb. Four princesses going to neverland. Ha! That sounds like itll turn out fine.

"We're all aware that this is dumb" Maddie leaned on the table

"Then why do we continue with it?" Chloe responds

"Does it look like we have a choice?" Meela turned to face everyone. "He took Beau! We cant let that go!" Her voice getting louder with every word.

"Shes right. We have to find Beau." Amanda was finally on board. Now they had to convince Chloe.

"Shes apart of us, Chloe and you know how Pan can be. Who knows what hes already done to her!" Maddie was desperate. It was either all of them or none of them.

"Okay where do we start?" Yes! Chloe was in.

"Well we dont have much intel on where Pan is, but we do have the location of one of his lost boys, Devin. If we play our cards right he could lead us straight to Beau." Meela had clearly been thinking about this all night.

"Why should we trust Devin?" Maddie asked not trusting anyone working for Pan.

"Stories are told that hes helped other travlers get to Pan in the past. Plus hes the only shot we have." Amanda had done her reasearch.

To be honset these girls might be the least prepared for this mission. For heavens sake they are princesses. They wear dresses and only worry about who to please, but now all of the sudden they thought they could take on the king of Neverland, please!

"We need a better plan." Meela mumbled scanning the map.

"Well we know skull rock is a place Pan visits often we could split up. Have two girls at skull rock and two go talk to Devin." Chloe was a freaking genius!

"Its the best thing so far." Maddie pointed at skull rock on the map. "Whos going where?" She didnt bother to look up.

"Maddie, me and you can stake out skull rock. Amanda you take Chloe and go investigate Devin." Meela handed each girl a gem.

"What are these for?" Amanda asked turning the ruby in her hand.

"They'll light up if you're in danger. Each one of us has a different stone to make sure each person has their own." Meela had a emerald. Amanda had a ruby. Chloe got the shappire and Maddie got Amthyest.

"Not to be a downer but how do we even get to Neverland?" Maddie again with her questions.

"Thats where Hook comes into play." Amanda, Meela and Chloe say in unison. Hook might not be the best idea.

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