31 Aman's Outburst

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"Rani Sahiba..."

"Enough Shyamji... this is the limit. You are blameworthy here... If you would have been cautious, my brother had not have faced such a terrible state in his life. He would have been cured as of now" she busted out.

Shyam understood that everything was slipping from his hands.

"I'm not going to leave this matter easily. I want to know WHO is behind this matter. I will show them the hell on the earth" Aman said furiously.

Aman removed his phone and was about to dial the police which made Shyam shiver.

"Aman, this issue may come into the limelight that spoils Arnav's reputation," Shyam said.

"You don't have to worry about it, Shyam. I know how to make him spit the truth without bringing it into the limelight. Stop giving the same excuse..." Aman sneered.

"Please don't talk like, I don't care about Arnav"

"What else do I think, Shyam? The patient is none other than a great ASR. People will laugh at you if you tell them you didn't treat ASR because you don't want people to know about his mental issue" ThoughAman said sarcastically he emitted fire through his eyes.

"Aman, you said the medicine is harmful then how has Sale Sahib improved?"

Aman looked at Khushi and all the others also turned towards her.

"I stopped the medicine right after our marriage," Khushi said which shocked everyone.

"That means, do you know about the medicine? But how?" Anjali asked.

"No, Di... I don't know about the medicine but I didn't have an interest in providing it to Arnavji. When he was behaving wild, what's the use of giving the same medicine again and again? So, I thought to stop it for a few days. I did and Arnavji showed an extreme level of change. I told Aman Bhai about it when we went to the Taj Mahal. I think he became suspicious about the medicine"

Her stance shook Shyam to the core. Did they go to the Taj Mahal? When? What the hell happened at RM in his absence?

"Not only that, Khushi... I have suspicions about many things and I'm working on them... very soon, the main culprit will get caught" Aman said not looking at Shyam but Shyam was looking at only Aman.

Aman called the commissioner and told him the issue in detail.

"I don't want you to file the case, sir. Please deal this case in YOUR way... for ASR..." Aman asked politely.

"You don't worry, Aman. This case will not even have F.I.R. I will get the truth from the criminal doctor in OUR way. I will send Assistant commissioner Naushad to RM. he will take the doctor into his custody."

"Thank you, sir"

Aman disconnected the call. Shyam faced a tough time hiding his shiver.

Within half an hour, Assistant commissioner Naushad came to RM. Aman handed over the doctor to him. The doctor left RM after throwing an angry glare at Shyam.

"Anjali, I don't mind if you are hurt by my words. I don't care what will you think. I'm taking ASR to Tamil Nadu for his further treatment. I don't care if you guys are fine with it or not" Aman said strictly. He turned towards Khushi.

"What say Khushi, will you bring ASR? because I don't need anyone to treat ASR but only you."

"I'm ready to do anything for Arnavji..." Khushi said without thinking.

"Aman... what are you talking about? Do you think I don't care about Chotte? I made Khushi a scapegoat only to get our Chotte back... I got her married to Chotte only to see him recovering... I became selfish in Chotte's matter making him marry Khushi. I didn't even care about being selfish, Aman. Don't you know that?" Anjali asked furiously.

"You should have put your effort into changing his treatment, Anjali. Within two days of her marriage, Khushi stopped giving the medicine to ASR. Don't you think of doing that ever?" Aman continued his questioning session.

"Aman, enough... I agree I had been stupid. But not anymore. Listen, I'm ready to take Chotte anywhere for his treatment. Tell me what do you want me to do?"

"There is an Ayurveda doctor in Tamilnadu. He is an expert in treating mentally ill patients. He cured many gave-up cases it seems."

"Meena also told me about such medical centers," Lavanya said.

"Do you already know about it?" Anjali asked.

"Meena told me but Jeejaji didn't want to change the treatment. So, I kept silent"

Anjali rolled her eyes annoyingly.

"Shyam doesn't have to bother about ASR's reputation. ASR is not behaving wild like before. We can take him wherever we want. Khushi will handle him. I'm going to hire a private jet to take him to Tamilnadu. After we reached Tamilnadu, we will take him to the clinic by car"

"Ok, Aman, make all the arrangements to go to Tamilnadu. We are going..." Anjali said sternly.

"Ok, I will talk to the doctor and get his appointment," Aman said and looked at Khushi who spilled a winning smirk. That was not gone unnoticed by Shyam.

To be continued...

HEARTSTRINGS (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora