Imp City

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"I'm so borreeedd!" Comet whined. Lyra scoffed. "Shut it! You're going to make my head bleed if you talk any louder." She growled. Sylas sighed. "I wonder if there is a designated place for imps to stay.." He muttered. Lyra shrugged. "We've never left this part before. Why are you wondering?" Sylas sat up. "Maybe we'd be more accepted there.." Comet tilted her head. "Let's ask mom?" She suggested. "Okay." Sylas said, getting up and waiting for the others to follow.

They walked into their room to see Stolas reading a book and Blitz on his phone. Stolas laid normally, and Blitz drooped over his legs and hung off the bed. "Hey, I have a question." Sylas said. Blitz looked up from his phone. "Shoot." Stolas put down his book and looked at the small implet.

"Is there a place or like.. a city for imps?" Blitz shook his head yes. "It's where I grew up, and where I.M.P is." Sylas sprung up. "Really?" Blitz chuckled. "Mhm? Why are you so excited about it?" Sylas smiled. "Can we go to school there?" Blitz grimaced. "Absolutely not. Nope. No. Final answer; no." Stolas nodded. "It isn't exactly paradise there." Stolas added. "Offensive! But true.." Blitz halfly teased.

"I'm sure it's better than that horrid school!" Lyra commented. "Surprisingly, no. It isn't." Blitz said. He stood up all the way. "You won't go to Imp City until you are very.. very much older." He pat him on the head. "Why can't we go?" Blitz sighed. "You're half Goetia. Imps are all over kidnapping them. They sell for a good price." Stolas cleared his throat. "Now who's being offensive?" Blitz stuck his tongue out. "Why can Mom go out there if it's so dangerous!"

"I can't mark you guys. I can mark him." Lyra wrinkled her nose. "Ew." Blitz hummed. "So, it's dangerous. You're not going. Take it from a full blooded imp who grew up there." Lyra flicked her tail. "I can protect them." Stolas put his book down again. "You heard your father. Answer is no."

The trio groaned. "Fine! Make us more bored, why don't you?" Comet growled as they all turned back for their rooms. Sylas looked like he'd just seen a ghost. "What's wrong with you?" Sylas held up the grimoire with a shaky hand. "Oh my Satan, how the hell did you get that?" Comet asked. Sylas mumbled. "Dad taught me! He told me he 'had experience' or whatever! It's weird.."

Lyra held the grimoire. "We can go to Imp City with this." She smiled. "Well, take us!" Lyra squeaked and opened the book. She read the spell and then a portal opened. "What..." Sylas shivered. "Hop into it! Come on." Comet commanded. The three jumped into it, and the portal closed.

Blitz and Stolas were in the same spots they were before, and Stolas looked up. He saw a hole in the bookshelf in front of them. "Blitz?" Blitz muttered. "Where is the grimoire?" Blitz glanced at Stolas. "What? You want me to bite you?" Stolas stammered with a pink flush across his cheeks. "No! I'm serious! Look." He pointed at the bookshelf. Blitz's flicked his tail and looked at it. "What'd you do with it?" Stolas sighed. "Blitzy, you don't use it anymore, I don't use it for anything but knowledge, which if I did have it it'd be on my desk.. Where could it have gone if we didn't use it?"

Blitz hummed and looked at the shelf again. "Those little thieves." Blitz smirked. "Excuse me?" Stolas asked. "Looks like Sylas got his stealth from me. Let's go." Stolas got up with Blitz and followed him to the kids room. The grimoire was open. "Shit.." Stolas cursed. "What are we gonna do?" Blitz held his hand. "Oh we are just going to sit here with our legs crossed and our pinkies out as we sip from our tea. For fucks sake Stolas, we are going after them!" Stolas shivered, gathering his emotional strength.

"Right." He grabbed the book and read the spell, spitting them out at the IMP building. "Uhhh... why are we here?" Millie and Moxxie peeped their head out. "Sir!" The two exclaimed and ran toward him to hug him. "Hey guys. Did you guys see the kids here?" Moxxie titled his head in confusion and then looked back at Loona, who was asleep.

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