The Job That Changed Everything.

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luv yall tho

It was just another day. "Okay gang! We have a job!" Loona looked up. "Can I come with? I hardly come on any, and it's so boring here." Blitz thought for a second and shrugged. "I don't see why not." Blitz took out his phone. "hey babe :D wee r goig onn a job nad loooyn is cumming with" He texted Stolas. Stolas replied with, "Keep your phone with you. Be. Safe. Blitz. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Blitz rolled his eyes. "okok bridass, chil tf ouut" He closed his phone and made a portal. "Come on!"

The two made it into the backyard of some weird, poor persons house. The house looked abandoned and rundown, the grass yellow from it being dead. The 4 walked closer to the house, going through the back door. The house was dim and empty, but lived in. "Shit where are these people. As they rounded the corner, a girl sat in a chair and faced them.

"I've been waiting. You finally showed up." She smiled. "Uhh.. what?" Moxxie asked. "You.. you don't remember what you did?" Blitz tilted his head. "I mean.. I've done a lot of shit." She tilted her head. "A woman? With black long hair? Then a man with short brown hair? My- My parents!" Blitz scratched his chin, and Millie scoffed. "Look bitch, we don't know you! Get to it!"

She growled. "Fine! You killed my parents! Now.." She pressed a button, undoing a curtain of robots and even some real life men with guns. "I'm going to kill you." Blitz winced. "Ooookaayyy..? Look bitch, not only is this sad, but is this cringe.. I mean my 5 year old could do better than-" She looked at a robot and it fired off it's fist and punched Blitz. "OW FUCK! CHAAAARGEEEE!" Blitz yelled. Just like that, the probably 16 year old girl watched the fight go down. It was not a pretty one. About 15 robots were there and about 70 to 100 men were there as well. They've seen worse days. Right?

Blitz was fighting three men, Millie fighting the majority of the robots and men, and Moxxie just shot everywhere. Loona was kind of clueless, but managed to kill a few. Blitz however was cornered. He snarled as a warning, but most of the rest were robots, pure metal. Not easy to fight. Millie knocked them out fast with her axe, they couldn't do much without torsos and legs, now could they? Moxxie and Loonie killed a few people as well. But Blitz? Blitz was done for.

Kicked, stabbed, punched, they ever trimmed one of his back and smaller head horns. All in different locations, and all only hurting worse. Blitz was able to stab one in the head, but was unable to do anything else. He just laid there, accepting his fate. Then everything went black.

Stolas kissed Lyra and chuckled. "It's okay if you don't get it. You have your whole life to try." She was practicing magic. Then Stolas heard his phone go off. He opened it, it was from Moxxie. "Things are getting out of hand here, we may need help." The message read.

Stolas nodded and put his phone down. "Via, watch her. I have to go see what's up with Blitz." Octavia nodded and took her from Stolas. Stolas made a portal, and saw bangs going off through the window. He walked through the door and saw everything.

The first thought he had was to find his husband. He couldn't find him. He saw robots tormenting something. Stolas ripped their heads off and saw below him, his beaten and bleeding husband, a hole through his chest. "St- *cough* *cough*" Stolas fell to his knees. "Blitz?! Blitz!" Time stopped. The girl put up her hand and stopped the men and robots. Millie, Loona and Moxxie stared in shock.

"Blitz please.." Blitz felt his husbands trembling arms beneath him. "It's okay, Stols.. c-calm down. I'm.. I'm gonna be.." Then nothing. Stolas's pupils grew smaller. "Y-You're gonna be what, Blitz..?" Nothing. "Blitz..? ...BLITZ?!"

The girl smiled gruesomely. "Isn't that a pretty picture.. grief. Finally that bastard got what he deserved." The 3 watched Stolas's heart shatter into pieces. Now they were going to watch his sanity be sucked out of him. He turned to look at her, dark red feathers spinning through his blue ones.

"You don't know what mistake you've just made.." The robots fell, and the guards were all killed. The room was empty now. "I'm not afraid of you, demon." Stolas smiled at her.

A smile that sent shivers down the groups spines. It wasn't a smile of joy, it was a smile of insanity. "You should be." He raised his hand, making her come to it by her throat. He threw her at a wall, making her break through one. He pulled her back through one and ripped her heart out. Literally. Stolas didn't stop tearing her apart.

No one was there. No one was there to tell him that it was enough. No one was there to comfort him. The only person that would didn't have a chance of waking up. Loona took the job. She knew Blitz would've wanted her to.

"Stolas, c'mon.. She's gone." Stolas turned around to look at Loona. Tears streaming from both eyes and blood clung to his feathers. "W-Well he is too! He's-" Loona picked him up and held onto him, letting him sob into her shoulder. He opened his eyes to see Blitz laying on his side, the only thing surrounding him was a pool of blood.

He shut his eyes and just.. screamed. Loona sobbed silently with him. The next few minutes of getting Blitz back were hell. Loona had to call Octavia to tell her she needs to stay away with Lyra.

Lyra couldn't know this. Stolas would've called, but all he was now was a hollow shell of nothing. He sat there clinging onto Blitz's body, like he never wanted to let go. "Hey? Is everything ok?" Octavia said. "Uhm.. no.. uh- *sniff* *sob* I- we need to keep Lyra with you. Do not let her out until we say." Octavia gasped. "What? What happened?"

Loona sobbed a little into the phone. "I don't think Blitz is going to bounce back this time." Octavia could only imagine her father right now. "Okay." She was in shock, and Loona understood. "Thanks." SHe hung the phone up. When they walked in Millie and Moxxie got him to the hospital inside the palace. Loona took the shift of watching Lyra briefly, so Octavia could try to talk to her dad.

He walked in, extremely bloody. Silent and broken. His pupils still were out, and his expression was dead. He was broken. "Dad?" He just looked at her, then tears started streaming down his face, without his expression changing. He couldn't feel anymore. The emotions physical reactions happened, but he couldn't feel them anymore. He was dead inside.

"Dad come on.. I can't lose you too.. please." Stolas's crying became more aggressive, but nothing else changed. He walked away from her and watched silently as Blitz was being prepared. Lyra tried peering out. "Mommy? Mommy!!" Loona held her close, not letting her look around the corner. Stolas looked at Octavia. He wiped his tears and smiled. A perfect smile. A perfect smile, to fool a 5 year old, who possibly lost her father.

"Hello, starlight! You needed me?" Stolas spoke. "Mommy what's happening? Where's Daddy?" Stolas's eyes watered. "Oh he's just feeling under the weather right now. But he loves you! He always will." He hugged her, finally letting tears seep out of his eyes, and letting his smile drop a little.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Stolas giggled. "Oh yes, I'm fine dear. I tripped a little while ago." Octavia held her mouth. She remembered when her father would be beaten by her mother he would use the excuse that he was always so clumsy, and fell down the stairs.

"Oh. Okay!" Stolas nodded and let her down. He walked outside, his entire fake expression turning off. He looked in the room Blitz was in, and all he saw was a flatline. "He's gone." Stolas said simply, letting it hit him like a tidal wave.

Blitz opened his eyes to a pitch black room. "Hello Blitz." A woman spoke. "Huh? M-.." Blitz's eyes watered. "Momma?" He ran to her and held her tight, not understanding what it meant. "Blitz. My baby boy. You fought hard, didn't you?" Blitz took a step back. Then it hit him "Fuck." His eyes watered. "Would you like to see them?" Blitz nodded. She showed a few what seemed like cameras. Stolas sitting there, tears streaming with a blank expression. Loona sobbing while trying to keep Lyra calm. Millie holding Blitz's hand and her husbands. Moxxie was crying.

"Shit. No, no. I have to get back." His mother turned to him. "I have that power. Your strong, my Blitz. You are a fighter. You must go on." Blitz smiled and slumped into his mothers embrace. "When will I see you again?" She smiled. "Hopefully never. Hopefully, not in a very long time." And with that, it was black again. A long beep followed and tunneled through Blitzes mind. Then, there was a beep.

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