"Will You Marry Me?"

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Blitz woke up in Stolas's arms. Soft hooting flooded his ears. Today was the day. He was home alone with him, and Stolas slept late when he was off. Blitz slowly slid out of his arms and got up. He slipped on pants and put on a shirt. He walked downstairs and slid into the kitchen, only to see Loona smiling at him with an item. "Oh?" Blitz blushed. "Give it!" Loona tossed it to him. "Good luck." Blitz nodded and held it close. He opened the black box and closed it again. It was an engagement ring.

Stolas walked downstairs and yawned. He smelled food in the kitchen, yet Blitz was nowhere in sight. He walked out of the pantry and smiled. "Good morning Stols!" Stolas's tail bounced up and down next to him. "You made breakfast?" Stolas smiled. Blitz smiled and nodded. "Yeah! Is that ok?" Stolas walked to the table. "Of course! I like when you cook."

Blitz gave him his food and sat down with him. He blushed a little, and was unsure this was the place. He didn't want to be moving too fast or offend Stolas. "You look flushed darling. Something on your mind?" Blitz's tail was moving 100 miles per hour, and he blushed. "Me? No. I have not a single thing on my mind!" He smiled awkwardly. "Blitzy, you're doing that nervous thing.." Blitz clutched the ring case. His tail flapped against his chair. "I'm not nervous!

Stolas smirked. "Hmmm.. okay. I believe you." Blitz exhaled. "Hey uh.. baby?" Stolas hummed. "Can I go up the office and get something? I promise it'll be quick." Stolas looked up at Blitz. "Blitzy.." Blitz tilted his head. "No book required!" Stolas sighed. "Be quick!" Blitz got up and stuffed the ring in his pocket. "Thanks! I'll be back!" He kissed Stolas quickly and ran upstairs.

He panted and opened a portal. "Fuck!" He walked in and caught his breath. Millie looked at Blitz. "I thought you were grounded from coming here?" Moxxie raised a brow. "I.. *huff* I am! Stolas let me come really quickly because.. *huff* I have a problem.." Millie walked over to her husband. "I'm gonna propose to Stolas." Millie beamed. "Aww!"

Blitz blushed. "I just don't know how." Millie smiled. "Maybe take him to a place he likes? Or just do something he likes and propose to him then?" Millie suggested. "Or keep it simple and just flat out propose to him." Stolas peeked his head through the portal. "Yea.. that sounds fine." Moxxie pointed at the portal. "Oh- Hi Stols." Stolas flapped his tail. "Hello love. Can you come back? I have something I want to talk to you about." Blitz nodded. "Thanks Mox." He ran back into the portal and faced Stolas. "What is it?"

Stolas frowned. "I feel you're hiding something from me Blitz.." Blitz's smile faded. "I'm not- I.. I promise it's not bad.." Stolas knelt down to get to Blitz's level. "Blitz, you can tell me anything.. I won't be mad at you." Blitz tried to smile. "I always will be able to tell you things.. just not this okay?" Stolas sighed. "I understand." He got up and left the room. He sighed and became determined. He wasn't going to make Stolas wait any longer. He had to propose to him now. He jumped down the balcony and landed on his feet. He ran to his van and went to the store.

About an hour passed and Stolas couldn't find Blitz. He gave up and decided to watch a new episode of his soap opera. Blitz pounced through the window on all fours. Stolas screamed and a blue flame erupted from his hand. "Oh.. Blitz! Your horrified me!" He held flowers in his mouth and he got back on his feet. He walked over to Stolas and pulled him out of bed.

"Blitz wh-" Blitz put his hand on his lips and looked at his confused face. "Stolas, you are the best thing that has honestly ever happened to me. You took me out of a horrible place when I couldn't myself. I honestly don't have the words to express how much I love you and.. I just love you." Stolas analyzed Blitz's form and pieced the puzzle together.

Was he.. proposing to Stolas? He exhaled and got on one knee. "Blitz I-" Blitz pulled out a beautiful golden ring with rubies on the sides and a moon covering a diamond. "Will you marry me, Stolas Goetia?" Tears started streaming down his face and he slowly nodded. "I.. Yes.. Yes! Of course! Yes I will marry you!" Stolas swept him in his arms and spun him around, keeping him close. He slightly sobbed on his shoulder as Blitz used his tail to bring him closer. "A-Are you okay?" He said smiling big and trying to not sound like he was crying when he clearly was.

Stolas looked at him in his eyes. "I'm more than okay! I'm more than happy! I love you so much." Blitz hugged him tighter. "I love you too." 



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