The Fear Of Abandonment

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Millie had a galaxy in her eyes. "He's pregnant?" Moxxie tilted his head. Millie ran over to the couple, observing Stolas's belly. He didn't have a bump yet, which only struck more confusion in Moxxie.

"With how many? What are their names, and when are they due? What are their genders?" Blitz shooed Millie away. "Millie, he found out 10 minutes ago! We don't know!" Millie frowned. "Sir, how'd you even get him pregnant?" Blitz shook his head. "Moxxie, did you ever have the talk with your parents, or did you just jump in head first?"

Moxxie growled. "Sir! I know that!" Blitz tilted his head. "You sure you're not just smooth brained?" Stolas looked at Blitz with disappointment. "Blitz! What did we talk about?" Blitz sighed. "Don't be rude to your employees, because they're your friends." He said flatly. "Good boy." Stolas smiled and kissed Blitz on the head. "I just don't understand. He doesn't have a reproductive system." Blitz shrugged.

"He has a pussy, so I just went with it." Moxxie cringed at Blitz's language. "What?" Blitz tilted his head. "He doesn't have a dick." Moxxie put a finger on his chin to try and understand. "How is that possible? He was born a male, right?" Stolas nodded. "It's weird bird shit, Mox. It's professionally called.. uhh.. what was it?" Stolas's tail flapped up and down briefly, making himself more comfortable. "It's called a cloaca." Blitz nodded. "That!"

Moxxie whipped his tail in curiosity. "Interesting." Moxxie walked away. Octavia walked into the IMP building. "Sorry I'm late. What did you need to tell me?" Blitz looked at Stolas. "Stolas. You didn't tell her?" Stolas got up and held her shoulders. "I know you suspected it but-" Octavia looked at Blitz. "You're pregnant?" Her gaze led back to her father as she said it. Stolas nodded. She didn't know how to react. "That's.. That's really good, dad." Stolas could tell she was excited for him, but a little nervous. She knew the dangers and risks of male owls giving birth. She hugged him tightly, more as in 'i'll talk to you later' type thing.

Blitz finally got another email, which dismissed Octavia and Stolas. As they took the portal home, Octavia frowned. "What's wrong, starfire?" Octavia's magenta eyes welled up with tears. "Will he take care of you and the baby? Having a baby as a male owl is already hard! A royal one, even harder!" Stolas frowned. "Octavia, of course he will!"

Octavia pulled away from Stolas. "You promised me! You said you'd never leave me!" Stolas shook his head in confusion. "I'm not Via!" Octavia shook her head. "Mom told me that the moment he got you pregnant it was the beginning of a new life for you! I'm sure I wasn't in that plan, right?" Stolas sat down and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Octavia, I love him. I honestly want to get married to him.. but I need you to understand. The second he tries to exclude you out of my life.. I'll leave him. He isn't worth my daughter.." Octavia sat there, trying not to face Stolas, as tears ran down her face. "I need you to remember that, okay?" Octavia wiped her tears and looked at Stolas. "I'm not the only one who feels like this! Loona is horrified of Blitz replacing her. He may not be her biological father, but he got her when she was just a little girl." Stolas shook his head. "I'll talk to him about that.. but Via, do you understand that I will not abandon you?" Octavia nodded, as she got up and faceplanted Stolas's shoulder. "I understand."

A;N- SORRY ITS INCREDIBLY SHORT ILL GET ANOTHER OUT THERES JUST SO MUCH TO BE SAID IN SUCH A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME :cry: im not going to touch on anything else ab this exact topic for a while! the next one is mainly going to be comedy if possible

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