Asmodeus's Decision

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Blitz was sitting on the bed in shorts and no shirt. He held onto Stolas as he healed slashes on his back. Sadly, they weren't close to done. Blitz flinched as Stolas put another dab of alcohol on his cuts. "Fuck.. ow.." Blitz tried not to hurt Stolas by clenching on to his shoulder. "It's okay, Blitzy. We just have to do your chest and you'll be just fine."

Blitz moaned in pain as Stolas pressed into the last slash. "Mkay.. ah.." Stolas pet Blitz's back comfortingly, and continued the last parts. He sat Blitz up and smiled. "Okay, now lets do your chest really quickly and we will be done." Blitz let out a few grumbles and moans, and just like that they were done. As Stolas was wrapping up Blitz's chest, Loona knocked on the door.

"Uhh.. The King of Lust and his little sidekick robot bitch is here.. they want to talk to you guys." Blitz started sweating and Stolas's pupils were out. "Mmm... yes.. tell them I'll uhh.. be there in a second." Loona nodded and closed the door. "How the fuck are we gonna hide this?" Blitz held Stolas's belly. He sighed. "I'm 7 months pregnant, Blitzy. We have to come clean at some point.." Blitz nodded. "Get a shirt on, okay?" Blitz pulled his shirt on and walked with Stolas. "Hello."

Stolas said, flicking his tail. "Hey Prince Stolas." He said glancing at Stolas's stomach. Stolas sat down with Blitz who was snarling at Fizzarolli. "Blitz, calm down." Blitz held Stolas's hand and wouldn't take his eyes off Fizzarolli. The two imps were extremely protective of their partners, and it definitely wouldn't settle well.

"He's protective too?" Asmodeus asked, smirking a little. Stolas shrugged. "Pretty much." Fizzarolli hissed at Blitz, making him flap his tail. "So, Stolas.. are you expecting?" Asmodeus asked. Blitz looked at Stolas. "You don't have to answer him."

Stolas put his hand on top of Blitz's. "Yes. I am." Even Fizzarolli stopped acting up, to look at Stolas. Blitz got close to Stolas when he realized he was trembling. "That's exciting." Asmodeus said smiling a little at Fizzarolli. Stolas felt Blitz tense, but he shook his head at him, telling him to not do anything.

"Mm.. yes it is. Also, Asmodeus.. has Hell heard about the two of you?" Asmodeus paused and his smile faded quickly. "Excuse me?" Stolas tilted his head slightly. "Oh, I mean.. the two of you are dating. Does all of Hell know that 'The Almighty King of Lust' is dating an imp?"

Fizzarolli laid his eyes on Stolas, looking like he wanted to bitch slap him. Blitz pulled out his knife and aimed it to throw, but Stolas took it out of his hand and put it back on Blitz. Blitz looked at Fizzarolli and mouthed "I will gut you if you put a single one of your fried circuit hands on him." Fizzarolli flipped him off.

Asmodeus laughed nervously. "Well.. I- uh.. I'm not here to fight Stolas." Stolas let go of Blitz's hand a little, but still laying his on top of Blitz's. "Then what are you here for?" Asmodeus showed genuine worry at this point.

"How did you tell Lucifer about you and the imp?" Stolas rolled his eyes at the thought. "He said I'd loose my reputation and if it came to it my power as well, which I don't give a single damn about. Then he said if I was happy with it and willing to face those consequences then I could. He'd be happy to marry us and whatnot."

Asmodeus tensed up and showed a little concern. "You don't care about your power?" Stolas smiled fakely. "Quite frankly, ever since I was born I've had the pressure to 'maintain' my perfect reputation, and I've been mentally and physically abused to learn my power that's ever so "important". I'd rather lose my powers than lose Blitz."

Asmodeus looked up to him. "I- I feel the same.. I'm just scared." Stolas nodded. "Gain confidence, and go up there." Asmodeus nodded. "Thank you. I appreciate your advice." What the two didn't realize, was their partners were literally about to kill each other. "Fizzy! Cut it out!" Fizzarolli whimpered slightly. "But Ozzie, he-"

Blitz tackled Fizzarolli and the two were now fighting on the table. Asmodeus watched in shock for a second, then they saw a knife was in both of their hands. "BLITZ!" Stolas grabbed him. Asmodeus grabbed Fizzarolli as well. "PUT HIM IN THE FLUFF!" Asmodeus yelled. Stolas tilted his head and put Blitz's scrambling and struggling body in his chest fluff.

Almost immediately he calmed down. "See? Works every time." Almost right after that Fizzarolli pounced on him. Blitz hissed at him and tried slicing his face. Asmodeus grabbed Fizzarolli and stuffed him into his fur, to the point you couldn't see him anymore. "H-How.." Blitz shook his head.

Fizzarolli stuck his head out and flipped Blitz off. Asmodeus eventually left and Blitz was sleeping next to Stolas. Loona and Octavia ran in with an airhorn and a paper. Blitz shot up and Stolas's feathers puffed in alarm. "Jesus, Loona! What is it..?" Blitz groaned resettling himself and laying back on Stolas. Octavia read the paper. "It's the gender results." Blitz jumped up. "Don't just sit there! Tell us!"

Octavia opened the envelope and smiled. "It's a girl!" Blitz grabbed Stolas's shoulder and shook him. "I FUCKIN TOLD YOU AHAHAHAHA! GIVE ME MY MONEY BITCH!" Stolas smiled and raised a brow. It took Blitz a second to forget about winning and realizing he was officially going to have a daughter. A daughter from his own blood. "Holy shit.. I'm gonna have a daughter." He turned back to Stolas and shook him more. "WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A DAUGHTER!" Stolas giggled and kissed Blitz's cheek. "I know! Octavia give me the paper." Octavia walked over to him and hugged him, congratulating him, then giving him the paper. Stolas smiled at it and showed Blitz.

He loved Blitz was so excited over having his own kid. He may act like a jackass to mostly everyone, but when it comes to people he loves personally, he's a huge softy. Stolas knew he would always be a good father. He deserved a child of his own blood, and he was happy he could give his lover that gift.


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