Highschool Troubles P2

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Stella walked over to Stolas. "Stolas." Stolas breathed in. "Stella." They shook hands. "Are you friends with imps?" Stolas looked at the two apologizing silently. The two nodded and he shook his head. "Oh, of course not! I- uhm.. never would.. I wouldn't be caught dead with those... lower lifeforms!" Blitz stepped forward and cleared his throat. "I, Blitz, am a lower life form." Blitz got on one knee. "Praise Prince Stolas." He got up and bowed.

Stolas laughed nervously. "Huh.." A taller boy walked over to her. "Stella! Get away from those.. disgusting things!" The white peacock bent down. "She shouldn't even breathe the same air as you." Blitz flipped him off. A dramatic gasp erupted from his throat. "Who are you marrying again, darling?" Stella pointed at Stolas.

"Oh.. him." Stolas knew he was a male, and he wasn't afraid to act disrespectful toward him. "Andrealphus." He said putting out a hand. Stolas stuck his hand out and Andrealphus took it back. "I don't want to touch you." Stolas smiled with white, small pupils in his eyes. "Hmm.. I'm Stolas. Prince Stolas."

Andrealphus pointed to Fizzarolli. "You mess with junky imp clowns, now?" Stolas didn't respond and just stayed in the defensive stance he had when Stella first walked up. His chest was puffed letting more fluff come out of his shirt, and his hands were balled into fists. He was taller than Stella for sure, but not Andrealphus. They were around the same height, although Stolas was about 6 inches taller. "Sir." Fizzarolli said in a deep voice.

Andrealphus scoffed. "What, peasant?" His voice raised to his normal one, with a cocky smile. "Are you a homosexual?" Andrealphus shot backwards and grabbed Stella. "Come, Stella." Stolas sighed and grabbed Blitz's hand. "Blitz fell against him and was drug by him. He grabbed Fizzarollis hand so he could keep up.

Once they got wherever Stolas took them, he closed the door and waved his hand in the air, opening a portal. "WHAT THE F-" Stolas threw Fizzarolli in. "Stolas, wh-" Stolas hopped in after. It was a room with stars around it. It had a chair in it and a bookshelf with books. "Woah.." Stolas smiled, still with the tiny white pupils showing stress in his eyes. "Let's skip class!" Blitz smirked.

"Pretty birds a bad boy now, huh?" Stolas sighed. "Shush for a moment, Blitz." Blitz looked at the ancient looking bookshelf. "IS THIS A HORSE BOOK?" Stolas smiled at his tail whipping excitedly. He opened it. "Where the fuck are the pictures?" Stolas tilted his head. "Highschool books don't have pictures." Blitz shrugged. "I can't read." Stolas sighed. "If you need help I can help you." Fizzarolli perked up.

"We should have nicknames." Stolas smiled. "I'm great at that!" Blitz studied the book. "I call Fizzarolli, Fizz." Fizzarolli shrugged. "So that's mine, what about you, Blitz?" Blitz thought for a second and shrugged. "What about Blitzy?" Stolas smiled. Blitz dropped the book. "Ew." Fizzarolli laughed. "I'm still calling you that." Blitz flipped him off. "Stolas should be called Stols." Fizzarolli added. Stolas nodded. "I like it." Blitz shrugged. "As long as you don't call me 'Blitzy' I'll be fine."

Stolas looked at Blitz. "I'll call you that forever." He teased. "So when I'm 30 years old and I have children your going to call me that?" Stolas nodded."Yes." Blitz stuck his tongue out. Stolas sighed and rested his face on his hand.

Blitz walked over to Stolas and plopped in his lap. "Why so sad, bird boy?" Stolas gave him a nervous smile. "Why are you in my lap?" Blitz looked up. "Why aren't you talking about your feelings. For such a drama queen I expected you to be a waterfall of emotions." Stolas sighed. "I don't want to marry her. I don't want to do anything with a woman." Blitz chuckled. "Are you gay?" Stolas tilted his head and then burst out laughing.

"A homosexual? Me? No disrespect to them, but I'd never-" Blitz flipped onto his knees and got close to Stolas's face, then kissed him on the cheek. "Blitz, what the hell?" Blitz clicked his tongue. "I wanted to see your reaction." Stolas looked at Fizzarolli. "You look gay, sound gay, dress gay. You literally are the most gay not gay I've ever seen." Fizzarolli counted. "I'm pansexual." Blitz shrugged as he leaned back on Stolas's thighs. "You like men?" Stolas said. "And women. Women are sexy too. I like everybody."

The Love Between You and I (Stolitz)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora