The Wretched Wedding

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Blitz growled. "I. Don't. Wanna. Go." He huffed. Stolas picked him up and looked at him in his eyes. "Please? For me?" Blitz sighed. "God, don't talk like that. Fine! I'll go and 'behave'." Stolas smiled. "Thank you Blitzy." He sighed. "It's whatever.."

Loona walked into their room. "Okay.. so why exactly are we keeping Lyra here?" Stolas stepped out. "So Blitz's instincts don't go crazy when Fizzarolli or any imp of that matter gets close to her." Blitz snarled.

"I can't help it!" Stolas pet his horns, making his body shudder slightly. "I know honey. Get dressed." Blitz cursed under his breath, and walked in the closet.

"What even are the... imp instincts? I've seen Lyra do weird shit like hiss or something when she gets startled. Stolas shrugged. "I appreciate you keeping her." Loona smiled a little. " 's no problem. I like spending time with her."

Stolas smiled. "Well, I have to get dressed. Blitz and I will say our goodbyes when we're done." Loona nodded and left. Stolas walked in the closet and saw Blitz cussing under his breath. "Blitzy.." Blitz groaned.

"I'd rather jack off with bricks than go here!" Stolas sighed. "I know..! You have to be happy, even if it's fake for just a hour. I'll be there to control your anger. I'll be there for you to scream at. Okay?"

Blitz sighed and looked at Stolas. "Okay.. okay! Okay.." Stolas kissed him. "Now, get dressed." Blitz smiled a little and took off his shirt.

Blitz walked into the place, looking around and gripping Stolas's hand. A lot of imps from the circus were there. Shit. Blitz got close to Stolas. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" Stolas looked at him. "What?" Blitz groaned. "There's skanks from my old circus.."

Stolas never really talked about the circus Blitz was in. He hated talking about it. So, this was serious. He noticed they all had the same marks on their head. "What does the mark mean?" Blitz gripped Stolas's hand tighter.

"It's a circus mark. You're given it at the age you "decide" to join." An imp looked behind them and started cackling. "Oh! Is that Blitzo?" One laughed. "Look at all of his scars! That's pathetic.." Blitz let go of Stolas's hand and walked over to them. "Are you gonna say something, weakling?" Blitz balled his hands into fists, so tight he cut himself with his own claws.

He had to behave. "I'm not fucking weak. The second you walk your skinny clown ass out of that door I'll stomp your ass out until your lungs stop working." The imp scoffed. "Why not do it here if you talk it up so much?" Blitz tightened his grip. "Oh, I totally would, but I'm being supervised. You haven't seen me since I've changed."

They frowned sarcastically, running their finger down their cheek. "Ever since your mommy died? Yea, tough shi-" Blitz punched the imp in the face, causing his lip to bleed. "I'll be perfectly fucking civil with you as much as my fucking heart can handle, but the moment you talk about my mom, I'll fuck you up. Inside and out."

Stolas just watched, understanding he hit them for a reason. He'd do the same, no matter who or where the party was or the person. The imp got up and shoved him, hardly making him move back. "This isn't your fucking celebration, cunt. Get your act straight. The second we walk out of that, you can fight me and lose." She wiped the blood running from her mouth. "I'll count on it, Blitzo."

Blitz walked past her, brushing against her shoulder. Stolas met with him. "So much for behaving." Stolas teased. "She spoke on my mother, Stolas." Stolas raised his hand. "Just teasing, love." They finally saw Fizzarolli and Asmodeus, and the two went off in their own conversation, leaving Fizzarolli and Blitz.

"Congrats, Fizz." Blitz spoke, gritting his teeth. "Thanks. I like your hand accessory. Blood goes well with what your wearing." Blitz smiled stiffly. "I punched a cunt for talking on my mom." Fizzarolli nodded. "That's so very Blitz of you." Blitz flicked his tail. "So your respecting me now?" Fizzarolli smiled. "If that's what you call respect, then you must have none of it."

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