Unheard News

789 23 31

TW: throwing up

Stolas woke up suddenly, with a sick feeling in his stomach. He could feel Blitz's chest next to him. Stolas got out of bed, and held his stomach. "Babe?" Blitz muttered, still half asleep. Stolas groaned from the aching pain in his stomach. "I'm just using the bathroom, love." Blitz sat up, adjusting his eyes to the bathroom light. "You okay?" Stolas shook his head. "I'm feeling very nauseous." Blitz was already awake when he heard that. "Do you need any-" Blitz was cut off by the sound of Stolas throwing up. "Yeesh.. Babe? You okay?"

Stolas looked extremely weak as he panted, trying to catch his breath. "Uhh.. do I need to get Octavia." Stolas's feathers were a mess, and his eyes were dull. He never replied, but he didn't know what this meant, and the only other owl in the house was Octavia. "Stay right there, okay? I'll be back." He ran to Octavia's room.

"Octavia!" Octavia jumped and got up. "Blitz? It's 4 am!" Blitz panted. "Something is wrong with Stolas. I don't know what it is." Octavia got up and walked back with Blitz. Stolas rested his back on the wall of the bathroom, he looked like he was dying. Octavia got on her knees and held Stolas's face. "His eyes are very dim, exhaustion.. Blitz?" Blitz looked at her hopelessly. "When was the last you and him did.. anything?"

Blitz thought for a second. "About a week and a half ago." Octavia hummed. "It's not too late.. but possible." Blitz tilted his head. "He could be pregnant, is what I'm saying." Blitz straightened his posture. "Really?" Octavia nodded. "I'm not sure exactly, but it's likely." Stolas muttered and looked at Blitz. "It's okay, Stolas." He picked him up, happy that he was light as a feather, and placed him in bed. "Thank you Octavia." Octavia nodded and walked back to her room.

Blitz got next to Stolas. "I'll stay awake with you until you are able to talk or sleep on your own, ok?" Stolas nodded and flipped on his side. Blitz held him tight, not ever wanting to let his boyfriend go. After a few moments, Stolas had the strength to talk. "Thank you, Blitzy." His voice sounded weak and hoarse. "Anytime, baby! I'll do this for you 1000 times again.." Stolas smiled, but it quickly faded. "What's wrong, babe?" Stolas's eyes watered. "What if I am pregnant?" Blitz kissed Stolas's cheek. "Then I'm going to love you and the perfect child you pop out." Stolas smiled and kissed Blitz.

"Starlight, you have to go to work." Blitz pouted. "No! You're not feeling good and I need to stay with you!" Stolas got up "Blitz, get dressed." Stolas smiled. "No! I'm fine like this!" Stolas rolled his eyes. "In your boxers? No, Blitz go." Blitz got up and sighed. "Fine, I'll go. But if you need anything-" Stolas sighed. "I'll be fine, dear." Blitz sighed and kissed Stolas, before jumping through the portal. Millie was taking papers to the receptionist desk. "Why so dim, Blitz?" Blitz sighed again. "If I tell you, you'll freak out." Millie tilted her head. "I'm going to my office." Millie continued to carry the papers, and placed them on the desk.

Blitz shot the target in the head and watched him drop to the ground. "He didn't even put up a good fight." His phone rang. "Hey Loonie!... What's wrong with him?" Blitz's eyes watered as he listened to Loona speak. "R-Really?.. Loona uhm.. portal us back." Millie and Moxxie watched Blitz pace back and forth, waiting for the portal. "Sir?" Blitz shook his head. The portal opened, and the three hopped through. Blitz saw Stolas making circular motions with his fingers.

Blitz walked up to Stolas and smiled at him, then crawled into his arms and hugged him. His eyes swelled with tears, as he inhaled shakily. Blitz hugged him tighter. "I'm sorry.." Blitz shook his head. "You're an idiot, Stolas." Blitz smiled. "You shouldn't apologize. You remember what I told you?" Stolas kissed Blitz's head and noticed Millie and Moxxie were utterly confused. "Blitzy, your employees are very confused." Blitz didn't let Stolas go. "Stolas is pregnant."

A;N- sorry this is so short lol

the next chapter is going to touch on this dw. i took so long bc i thought it would be better to write two chapters lol. but yeaa we slayyy. anyways stolas is pregnant. yayy 

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