The Burn

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A month had passed, and Blitz could now walk without his knees hurting. He could run a little too, but not much. Stolas was looking at his cuts when he caught something he'd never seen before. "Why is it turning white?" He said concerned something serious was happening. "Oh. Babe, white splotches and stuff are from scars." Stolas tilted his head. "So.. when this heals it'll mix with your oth-.. oh my.." Blitz raised a brow. "So.. you have scars all over you?" Blitz shrugged. "I'm a tough bitch."

Stolas looked concerned. "My love.. what happened to your face?" Blitz shrugged it off. "Nothing I couldn't handle. See? I'm fine." Stolas exhaled. He knew Blitz hated when he got all 'motherly' on him. He let go of his concerned thoughts. "If you say so, darling."

Stolas got up and walked out of the room. "Do you want anything from the kitchen, Blitzy?" Blitz shook his head no. Stolas noticed a change in his attitude, but walked away to let him try and solve it on his own. He got up and looked at himself in the mirror.

He sighed and looked up, seeing himself at a younger time, with a burn across his eye. His horn was broken, and he had other burns and cuts on his hands and legs. His sleeve was ripped off of his shirt. His shirt and fingers were bloody, and he was crying. Blitz blinked and it went back to normal. His chest heaved trying to hold back an anxiety attack. "Blitz? Are you alright?" He got up and wiped the tears in the corner of his eyes. "Mmhm." Stolas frowned. "You can talk to me.."

The room changed to his childhood house. He was a kid again, only 13. He walked in the living room to see his mom. "Oh hello, Blitzo, my dear. Come sit." He walked over to her. "Momma? Are you okay?" Tears dripped down her face and onto Blitz's hand. "Yes, baby. I'm peachy." She smiled warmly. "I need you to know I will always-" With that, a giant boom went through the house. BarbieWire ducked under a table, that eventually broke but kept her safe from the blast. He didn't know where his father was.

Or his mother. He coughed and all he saw was fire. "M-MOMMA! MOM! MOM??" He called helplessly. He saw a body lying in the fire. "MOMMA!" He ran to her and kneeled down, getting his face burned. He grabbed her out of the fire.

He screamed and sobbed from the burning on his face. He eventually got it out, and he couldn't see out of his right eye. His mom was bleeding and burned badly. "Mom? Mom! Wake up, please!" She looked at him. "Blitzo.." Blitz sobbed over her bleeding and burned body. "Mom please.. please just stay awake! I can-" She held his face.

"Please.. hold onto this." She gave him the skull necklace. Blitz nodded. "I love you to heaven and back." Blitz let out a sob. "Take care of your sister, and stay strong okay? Your a charm to this world Blitzo.."

His heavy and bawling breath grew louder as bit his sleeve off. "It's ok mom! Your gonna make it out of this.." She rasped. "Blitzo. Look at me son.."

Blitz stopped what he was doing and looked at his mom. "Keep your chin up." The burned body became limp. "MOM! MOM PLEASE!" BarbieWire got up to her little brothers screams.

She saw her dad and walked over with him. All they saw was him sobbing, burned badly and clutching her limp body. He couldn't scream anymore. He could only just sob quietly and hold his mother.

He blinked back to the present, to Stolas looking concerned. "Blitz? It's okay starlight." Blitz sighed. His body was tense and trembling. "You're safe, love."

He let the tears roll down his cheeks. "Are you okay with telling me what's wrong?" Blitz's voice was small. All guards he had up at all times were gone now. He was with Stolas. He didn't have to be strong.

"I burned myself while pulling my mom out of a fire." Stolas knew she passed away, but never how. "How old were you?" Blitz shrugged. "It was a week after my 13th birthday." Stolas held Blitz tighter. He was at least 17 when he lost his mom.

"My shitty dad blamed it on me." Stolas looked to the side and sighed. He knew how that felt. "I know how that feels, Blitzy. I'm sorry." Blitz hummed as he positioned himself comfortably on Stolas's shoulder.

"You know.. I've never been this happy in my life before. I have a kid. A wonderful and sexy husband. I'm happy." Blitz muttered. "Life can just.. suck that my mom didn't get to see me thrive." Stolas kissed Blitz, trying to remind him it was okay.

"Wait.. doesn't Lyra go to school for the first time tomorrow?" Blitz pulled back. "OH MOTHERFU-"

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