Fizzarolli's Warning

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After the two caught their breaths, Stolas held Blitz's hand. "I definitely needed that." Blitz chuckled. "You and me both.." Blitz slid on his boxers and walked over to Stolas. He untied the ropes restricting him, and looked at Stolas's body to check for cuts. A few were on his hips and chest, and a few marks on his neck.

"Damn Stols. I did a lot more than I thought." Stolas smiled. "It's alright darling. It reminds me of old times. I've suffered worse from you." Stolas purred seductively. Blitz rolled his eyes with a smile. "I'll go get the stuff." Stolas hooted and watched Blitz walk to the closet to get healing supplies. He turned on a small light and started patching Stolas's wounds.

Stolas's eyes were dim and slightly weak. "You okay?" Stolas hummed. "Yes Blitzy." Blitz put a few bandages on Stolas and got back in bed. Stolas turned over and kissed Blitz a few times. "Stolaass! Stooop!" Stolas continued kissing him.

Blitz turned over and rolled on top of Stolas, enjoying his small giggles. Stolas tried kissing him but Blitz pinned his neck down. Blitz pushed back his hair from his face and kissed him deeply, pleased by Stolas moaning into the kiss.

He pulled back and laid on his chest, slowly kissing up his neck. "Mmm.. Thank you, Blitzy." Blitz hummed and face planted his chest fluff. "Comfortable?" Blitz scoffed. "Yes. Asshole." Stolas chuckled and kissed Blitz's head. "Hey." Stolas tilted his head and hummed.

"Don't we get to find out what's in here tomorrow?" Blitz said pointing at Stolas's stomach. Stolas smiled. "Yes, we do." He nuzzled Blitz. "So we must get some sleep then?" Blitz hummed and nestled into Stolas's chest. "Yes please." Stolas kissed Blitz's head and shut his eyes.

Stolas's eyes opened, comforted by the warm purring Blitz had produced. He looked at the sunrise and pet Blitz's back. He didn't want to get up, but knew he had to. "Blitzy?" Blitz groaned and held onto Stolas even tighter.

"I know, but we have to get up." Blitz opened his eyes and looked at Stolas. He wanted to stay there, wrapped in warm and comfortable feathers, and the only sound anyone could hear was the couple breathing. "Fiinnee." Stolas giggled and got up. The unforgiving cold made Blitz shiver, now that Stolas's body wasn't underneath his own.

After they got dressed, Stolas teased Blitz a little by stroking his tail along his chin. "My appointment is in 2 hours. We still have time to relax if you want."

Blitz shrugged. "Sure." They walked downstairs to the living room, and cut on the TV. Blitz laid down on the couch and got on his phone to mindlessly scroll on Sinstagram.

Stolas plopped down on the couch and put his head on Blitz's lower chest. "What?" Stolas looked at him and purred. "Hm? I can't lay on my fiancés body and just watch TV?" Something about Stolas's tone made Blitz blush a little and left him speechless. "Of course you can birdass! It just caught me off guard, 'is all."

Stolas smiled and continued watching TV. Blitz continued looking at him and then went back to scrolling. He got a message from a random person. "Check out this account." It had said, with Fizzarolli's account linked to it.

It had a picture of him and Blitz from when they were in highschool. It was made on Blitz's birthday about a year ago. It was a picture of the two doing a rock symbol with their fingers. Blitz had his arm around Fizzarolli's chest. Blitz grumbled.

He moved away from the pain of Fizzarolli. He hated him now, and he had someone millions of times better. He shut off his phone and ran his fingers through Stolas's hair. "Is there something on your mind?" Stolas rolled over a little, facing Blitz. "No. I'm fine."

Stolas propped himself up to kiss Blitz. Blitz smiled as they separated the kiss, that's when he noticed the time. "Hey, you gotta go." Stolas checked to and cursed under his breath. "Okay.. I'm off. I love you." Blitz smiled. "Love you too." Stolas walked out and Blitz sighed.

He decided he should go out and get a coffee. He got in his van and drove to the nearest coffee shop. He got out and noticed a familiar face. "Long time no see, Blitzo." Fizzarolli smirked.

Blitz hissed as his tail slashed. Imps only showed their animal instincts when they felt a strong emotion, so immediately Fizzarolli knew Blitz would probably knock his jaw off if he wasn't careful. "So you got my message?" Blitz bared his teeth.

"That was you? What the fuck do you want?" Fizzarolli smiled and shrugged. "It's been a while since I've seen the real you. 'wanted to see what you were up to." Blitz rolled his eyes. "That's none of your damn business. Now fuck off and go ride Asmodeus's cock some more."

Fizzarolli stopped him by pulling on his horn. "Ow! Fuck you!" He said slapping Fizzarolli across his face. Fizzarolli held his cheek. "I'm not finished." Blitz growled. "Well I fuckin' am! I don't give a damn about what you want anymore, Fizzarolli." Fizzarolli grabbed his hand this time. "Just let me talk. I promise it won't be too much of a waste. I just want to catch up with you."

Blitz's face was flat and annoyed, but he stayed anyways, with his arms crossed and his hip arched. "I heard you started fucking the prince for the book?" Blitz let the words sting, realizing he turned into what he hated all those years ago. "That was a while ago, fuckhead. Don't even fucking mention him." He snarled. "Oh? Never seen a someone defend their fucktoy."

Blitz hissed. "He's more than that. Can't say you ever were." He ignored Blitz's attempt to insult him and laughed. "So it's true. He's pregnant with your kid?" Blitz made a fist, trying to do what Stolas always said and think before you punch. "What's it to you?" Fizzarolli tilted his head. "I heard it from someone. Tsk tsk.. would be a shame if all of hell knew that huh?"

Blitz didn't care about thinking anymore. He had to hurt him. He punched him in the face and pinned him by his neck, with his knee under his crotch. He headbutted him and snarled. "Listen, listen! I wasn't-" Blitz hissed and his pupils were so small in their tiny slits you almost couldn't see them.

"No. You listen to me. I will hunt you down and fuck you the hell up if you open your mouth and spread shit about my husband. I'll kill you. I won't hesitate. This was hardly anything and I can feel you trembling. So, if you don't want to feel worse, keep the fuck away from me and my family. We're done, Fizzarolli. Do I make myself clear?"

Fizzarolli's expression never changed, but Blitz could tell he was scared. "He changed you Blitzo." Blitz snarled and pressed harder against his throat. "He did. He fuckin' did. He undid the damage you and that slut succubus did to me. I am not the same Fizzarolli.

So, before I kill you here, am.. I.. fucking.. clear?" Fizzarolli nodded and Blitz backed away from him, letting him run away. "Fuck that shit.." He got back in his van and drove home.

He opened the door and sat on the couch. Seconds later Stolas entered the house. "I'm back! It'll be mailed to us soon, so-" Blitz tackled Stolas to the ground and held onto him. "Missed me?" Stolas said getting up and holding him back. "Very much.." Stolas kissed Blitz. "What happened when I was gone?" Blitz buried his head into Stolas's neck. "Nothing major."

Stolas smiled. "Wanna go to bed?" The warmth of Stolas's body started to haunt Blitz, making him knead Stolas's feathers a little and purr. "Mhm." 

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