Comet and Sylas

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Stolas woke up, sweating badly. He felt like he was about to vomit. He sighed and got up. He walked into the bathroom, and then feels it. His water breaks. "Shit." He winced.

He walked to Blitz. "Blitz! Blitz!!" Blitz woke up. "Hm?" His breath shook. "My water just broke." Blitz almost teleported to the door and ran down the hall. "LOONA! LOONA!" He screamed and pounded on the door. Loona opened the door, half asleep.

"Stolas is giving birth. Go. Get Octavia. Now." She gasped and nodded, running down the hall and getting Octavia. He walked into Lyra's room, finding she wasn't there. "You gotta be shitting me.." He ran to Octavia's room.

She was curled up with Octavia. "Lyra! Lyra, come here." Blitz's voice had worry in it, which made Lyra frown. "Daddy? What's wrong?"

Loona went and whispered to Octavia. "Shit, shit, shit! SHIT!" Loona turned around. "What?" Blitz sighed. "Please take her, I need to be with Stolas."

Loona nodded. "No, of course! Just come to me to get her." Blitz nodded and ran to Stolas's room. "Via is getting the doctors.." Stolas was bawling and seemed like he was about to fall. The doctor came in with a stretcher, picking Stolas up and putting him on it.

The two walked down to the small room that gave Blitz flashbacks of meeting his first daughter here. Blitz ran to him as they got him prepared. "Blitz, please! I don't wanna die!" Blitz hushed him.

"You're not gonna die. You aren't. In a few hours your gonna meet our new babies, and it'll be over. Stolas sobbed into Blitz's shoulder. "Tell me what I told you, Stolas." Stolas struggled with his words over the sobbing.

"It's okay. Tell me what I told you." Stolas caught his breath. "I'm gonna be okay." Blitz nodded. "What else?" Stolas seemed to calm down. "I'm strong." Blitz nodded. "You are."

Stolas's body shuddered, his eyes going dim with pain. "Okay, sir. It's time for you to go out. He's ab-" Blitz snarled. "Fuck no. I'm not getting out until he tells me to." Stolas whimpered. "Blitz, please go. I want you to be safe. Please be safe."

Blitz exhaled. "Okay. Keep repeating what I told you, Stolas. I love you so so much, and you're gonna be okay." Stolas looked at him. "I love you too." He walked out and caught his breath. "You okay, Octavia?" Octavia nodded. "I have to go with Lyra. Loona will come soon." She nodded again, kind of in a daze.

He ran down to Loona's room. "Here... how is he?" Loona asked. "He's.. he's okay. Thanks Loona." She nodded and ran down the hall. "Daddy, please tell me what's happening! Please!" She wept. "He sat her down in his room. "Mommy is having her babies."

With that, a pained screech echoed through the house. Only this time, it was 2x worse. "Is he dying?" She asked, weeping. "No! No! He's okay! He's okay.." He hugged her. "I don't wanna lose him!" She sobbed. Blitz slid down the side of the bed and held her tight. "I uhm.. I don't wanna lose him either, kid."

Another screech echoed through, making Lyra cry harder and scream for Stolas. Blitz couldn't take it. He put her down on the bed and walked to the bookshelf, taking the grimoire. He read a soundproof spell, suddenly drowning out most of the sound.

You could still hear it, just not as much. "Hey, how about we watch My Little Pony, hm?" Her crying calmed down a bit. "Okay.. *sniff*" He turned on the TV. "I'll be right back, okay?"

She nodded. Blitz walked down to Octavia, who was just a puddle of tears. He hugged her, realizing she fell into his arms, fully trusting him.

"Octavia, you gotta go." Blitz whispered to her. Octavia tried protesting, but Blitz couldn't understand her. "He's gonna be okay, you just can't sit here and cry okay? He wouldn't want that."

The Love Between You and I (Stolitz)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें