Highschool Troubles P1

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Blitz opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. The old, tense air made Blitz sigh as he got up. "It's your fucking fault, you bitch!" Blitz watched from his doorway. Ah yes, BarbieWire and their father were fighting again. Blitz walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. He drank it and spat it out. "Dad, did you fill all these bottles with vodka?" His dad threw a shoe at him, making Blitz duck. "Okay.." BarbieWire took a swing at her dad's eye until Blitz popped up. "Can you stop fighting dad a little early today and not make us late?" Their father looked at Blitz and saw his wife's necklace. "Is that her necklace?" Blitz tilted his head and flipped off his dad. He leapt for it making Blitz ball up and hide the necklace. "Get off of me!" Blitz kicked his dad off and looked at BarbieWire. A purple mark was on Blitz's eye. "Get your ass in the car." She wiped a tear away from her eyes. The car ride was painfully quiet. "Why is it so quiet?" BarbieWire sighed. "What started our fight was you, Blitzo." Blitz sighed. "It always is my fault." BarbieWire winced and looked at him. "Dad thinks your just like her." Blitz's eyes widened and he hid his face in the arm of his jacket. "I agree, you are. Mom even called it when you were a baby. That's what Dad told me." Blitz wiped his tears. "Yea." They pulled into the school driveway. This was where Blitz's attitude changed. He couldn't be known as the sad imp with a dead mom. "Hey Blitz." Fizzarolli walked beside him. "Hey." Blitz's posture changed a bit. "You know princey boy? He was looking for you." Blitz smiled. "Bullshit!" Fizzarolli shrugged. "Aren't you dating that Verosika whore?" Blitz shrugged. "She's not a whor-" Blitz saw her making out with another guy behind lockers. "Yep, she's a whore." Stolas ran up to Blitz. "Hello." Blitz waved to Stolas. A teacher walked past them. "You three are gonna be late. Get to class." Blitz flipped him off and walked past Verosika. Verosika immediately dropped the boy and walked over him. "Blitz!" Blitz's posture changed and he sighed. "Say your sorry." Verosika whimpered in annoyance. "I really am this time! I swear! I'm a succubus it's just.. in our nature!" Verosika was wearing a tight dress that pushed her boobs up. There was a heart on each one and a handprint on her crotch. "Mhm. Your forgiven." Blitz sighed pecking her on the lips. Stolas tilted his head at the mess and spoke silently to Fizzarolli. "How long has that mess been together?" Fizzarolli laughed. "2 years and 5 months. They've fucked more than they've dated." Stolas shook his head. "Satan.." Verosika walked off after kissing Blitz one last time. "She annoys me sometimes." Stolas walked over to Blitz's other side. "You really have sex more than you love?" Blitz tilted his head. "Coming from a Goetian Prince that is kinda based on sex, you have no room to talk." Stolas scoffed. "The joke is on you. I've never had sex." Blitz choked. "You? Your pulling my leg." Stolas shook his head. "I'm not!" Blitz started walking again. "There's no way. Your the prettiest thing I've ever fucking seen. How have you never fucked someone before." Stolas blushed a little. "You think I'm pretty?" Blitz looked at Fizzarolli who smirked evilly. "Answer the question!" Stolas shrugged. "Have you at least gotten off?" Stolas tilted his head. "What?" Blitz did the hand motion, but Stolas was still confused. "Have you ever fucked yourself?" Stolas shook his head. "Damn.. I feel bad for you." Stolas straightened his posture. "You shouldn't! I don't get what they say about sex. It seems horrifying! Having something go into someone!" Fizzarolli chimed in. "It does should horrifying. Horrifyingly HOT!" They walked into the classroom. Stolas stuck his tongue out as they sat down.

Stolas's mother burst in mid lesson. "Stolas! Come dear!" Stolas tilted his head. "I- Mother..?" She smiled and waved for Stolas to come near. Blitz grabbed his mothers necklace. He'd give anything to have his mom come into his class and pull him out. Or even just smile at him again. Fizzarolli put a hand on his shoulder. "It's ok, dude." Stolas got up and walked over. "He'll be back in class in a hour!"

Blitz hummed as Stolas's worried stepping woke him up. They were in math now, and Blitz hated it. "Hey hey.. calm the fuck down bro what's wrong." Stolas slid down and put his head on his arms. "I'm-" His eyes welled up with tears. "You're what?" Stolas looked at the ceiling and blinked his tears away. He flattened his hand showing a smooth ring. "I'm being forced to marry someone." Blitz's mouth gaped open. "Mother said it'd be good for my reputation.." Blitz clicked his tongue. "Shit.. I'm so sorry Stolas. Wait.. can I see a picture of her." Stolas sighed and reached into his pocket. It was a white and pink swan. "Ew.." Fizzarolli looked at it. "She has tits for days.." Blitzvlooked at his bestfriend. "Fizz! She looks disgusting." Stolas sobbed. "Her name is Stella! She's even being enrolled in the school.." Blitz gave the picture to Fizzarolli. "Why'd you hand this to me?" Blitz got a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. "Because you need something to jack off to." Fizzarolli shrugged and put it in his pocket. "That's twisted bro. Permission to bully her?" Stolas shrugged. "Great." The teacher gasped. "Blitzo! You cannot have that! Especially not in class!" Blitz hummed. "Come here. I can't hear you." The teacher walked over to him. "Loud enough, dipshit? Put it out and walk to the principals office!" Blitz took it out of his mouth and put it out on the teachers head. He blew smoke onto her causing her to yelp. "Principal now!" Blitz opened his legs and cocked his head. "The principal can come down here and suck my cock!" The teacher walked to her phone calling the principal. "My mother would be mad if I ever did that. Good luck getting your ass beat." An imp said next to him. "I don't have a mom." He said smiling. The principal came and called his dad. "You want me to put him on speaker?" Blitz shrugged. "What the fuck do you want?" A slurred voice answered. "Sir, your son was caught smoking in class." Blitz's dad snickered. "Did he do it the right way?" The principal stammered. "I don't see the reason why your calling me then. Don't call again bitch." The phone hung up. The bell rang and Blitz ran out. The two ran with him. Laughing as they ran, when they finally slowed Stolas gasped. "You okay?" Stolas straightened his posture. It was her. It was Stella.

(1150 words; published 2022-04-27)

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