Lyra's Power

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Stolas and Blitz were proud of themselves for handling Lyra's drop off so well. It was the first time they were alone in the house for a really long time. Stolas paced. Stolas was really antsy when they got home, so Blitz and him decided to watch a movie to take their mind off of everything. Just as the movie finished, their phone rang.

"Hello?" Blitz spoke. His eyes grew wide and he started to look over at Stolas. "Uhm.. okay. We'll be on our way in a few minutes.." He hung up and smiled awkwardly. "Blitz. We always talk about this. What's wrong?" Blitz hummed and tapped on his legs. "Something is wrong with Lyra, and we have to go up to the school.." Stolas gasped. "W-Well come on! Get up let's go!" Blitz put his hands up. "Okay!"

Once they got there, Stolas was a nervous wreck. "Hello, are you.. Lyra's parents?" Stolas nodded. "Hmm.. come with me." They followed her and sat down. "Lyra... was being bullied. Something happened." Stolas stood straight, posture picture perfect, and his pupils were not as small as Blitz suspected. He was angry.

"Where is the child that was bullying her? And my child?" She winced. "The parents of the other child are getting here, so please have patience." Stolas gave her a nod. "I'll be back.. stay here." She left and Stolas didn't change. "Babe.. calm down okay? It's okay."

The parents walked in and sat down, glaring at Stolas and Blitz. They were both imps, but clearly they didn't like the royalty in the room. The teacher walked back in with their children. Lyra was crying and bloody, while the boy was covered in cuts and gashes. Stolas knew exactly what happened. Lyra snapped and got her powers in class when someone was bullying her.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know what happened it was ju-" The mother of the other child cut Lyra off. "You have no excuse! Look at my son! Look at him! You're a monster!" Blitz snarled. "HEY!" The whole room flinched at Blitz's surprisingly booming voice. "You shut your fucking mouth, you foul cunt."

He growled. She was taken aback. "No wonder she grew up like this! Not only is she a hybrid child but she's also being raised to respond like this." Usually, Stolas would get up and do something. He was more feared. But, this mattered more to Blitz. He got up and grabbed the lady by her collar.

"If you don't shut your fucking mouth in 5 seconds I will blow your ugly fucking skull open for the entire god damn room to see. The last thing I'm ever going to let a snobbish stick up whore say about my child is that she's less of a demon for the way she was born. Now sit the fuck down and cry about it." He let her go and she sat down, silent now.

He turned around to the teacher. "As for you? You should've stepped in when you noticed her being bullied. That's your fucking job. I will teach my child and will always have her know self defense, because of people like them in this world, judging her for something she couldn't even fucking control." He growled. "Any god damn questions?" The room was silent. "Great. Lyra come here." Lyra walked over to him. He held her hand and grabbed Stolas and walked out of the building.

Stolas hadn't spoken to Blitz still. He was still angry and asked Lyra to go find Loona. He wanted to be alone and fume without hurting his child. "Blitzy? Are you alright?" Blitz looked behind him. "Fucking no.. they made our child feel bad for existing. She can't control that." He threw knives at a dart board. "I know Blitz. She'll be okay though. We can try again once she's older." Blitz shook his head. "It's not going to stop. It never fucking will."

He threw another knife. "Blitz, you don't know that.." Blitz looked up at the ceiling wanting his tears to go away. "You forget I went to a 90% Goetia school. I was called low life and pompous my whole life." He threw another knife. Stolas stayed silent.

"I will not sit there and watch my little girl slowly hate herself for something that should in reality be amazing. An imp with a Goetia's power? That's fucking awesome. But because society in this literal and utter hellhole is so fucked up, they judge her. They don't even know her!" He threw one last knife, breaking the whole board in half.

"I will teach her self defense. She needs to know." Stolas sighed. "Blitz." Blitz had tears streaming down his face with his tail slashing. "Yea?" Stolas sighed. "I'm sorry." Blitz wiped his tears. "It's fine. I'm just pissed." Stolas hugged him. "You have a right to be."

Blitz looked Stolas in the eyes. "Can we just.. relax? Please?" Blitz asked. "Of course, darling." Blitz sighed. "I've been under a lot of stress lately. I just need you." He said simply. "I'm open to that. Come on. Let's lay down." 

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