Stolas's Feelings

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Stolas woke up to a knife nearly missing his head. Again. "I'm getting up, father.." Stolas mumbled. "Yes, as you should! You are nearly 17! I shouldn't have to do this." He walked away. "I- Paimon.. you are being too harsh with him.." His mother shook her head. Paimon shook his head and walked away. She scoffed and walked over to Stolas and kissed him softly. She pulled the knife out of the wall. "Get dressed, starfire." She walked out and closed the door. Stolas slipped on something simple and walked out his bedroom door.

"Stolas!" His father barked. "Yes, father?" He said, cowering under him. "I want you to talk to the girl you are to marry, understand? Just sitting there and twiddling your thumbs isn't what princes do." Stolas bit his lip and balled his hands into fists. "Yes father." He walked out the door and picked up an empty can and crushed it, then threw it far. Wiping a tear from his eye, he walked to his car.

He sighed as he pulled up to his school. "I never thought they could make hell inside of hell." He scoffed. He walked inside and saw Blitz fighting Fizzarolli. This wasn't play fighting, it was serious fighting. Blitz's face was bloody, but Fizzarolli looked worse.

He ran toward them. "Wh-Blitz! Stop!" Stolas pulled Blitz back and Fizzarolli hissed at him. His chest pounded while he tried to catch his breath. Stolas held Blitz and noticed his heart racing and he was actually crying. Still squirming in Stolas's arms, he yowled back at him.

A teacher walked out and saw the scene, using finger signals to let them know they had to come to the principals office. Blitz sat there next to Stolas, finding comfort in his presence, far away from Fizzarolli. "Unacceptable! I will not have fights in my school." Stolas was only there to make Blitz feel better. He didn't know what happened, but he knew he probably had a reason to beat him up.

"Stolas, were you apart of this?" Stolas shook his head no. "Then leave my office." He looked at Blitz who looked like he was silently pleading for Stolas to stay. "I was involved in the fight, technically. I never swung at anyone, but I'm sure this gentleman would be either unconscious or dead if I hadn't stepped in." The principal sighed and waved her hand to Stolas. "Fine. You may stay." Stolas tilted his head. "I was going to regardless of your answer." She glared at him, not trying to test him because of his power.

"What was the reason for your fight?" Blitz snarled. "That isn't your business." Blitz crossed his arms. "It happened on school grounds, therefore it is my business." Blitz sneered. "The cause of the fight happened outside of school, so 'therefore' you can keep your lips fucking sealed and have your second affair with the vice principal." She sighed and shook her head. "In order to get a report down I need details, Blitzo."

He snarled. "You tell her." Fizzarolli scoffed. "Don't tell me what to fuckin' do, Blitzo." Fizzarolli spat. He sighed. "We share a house. We are roommates. We also are dating. I needed to do something, for a job-" Blitz hissed. "You don't do this shit for jobs!" Fizzarolli slapped Blitz across the face. Blitz touched his cheek and smiled at him. "You messed the fuck up." Blitz tackled him and scratched his face more. Stolas got up and took Blitz off of him. It was hard for him to do so this time, because Blitz's muscles were tensed and angry.

"Both of you! Stop it at once!" Blitz squirmed in Stolas's grasp. "Continue on, Fizzarolli." Fizzarolli looked at Blitz who was in Stolas's arms tightly. Stolas held his mouth and wrapped his arms around his body. Blitz looked annoyed, and refused to look at Fizzarolli. "He caught me sleeping with someone else. For a job." Blitz tried speaking, but Stolas's hand was in the way. "Ah, I see." Blitz's tail whipped back and forth. Stolas spotted it and giggled at it. "Well, do you still have interest in him?" Blitz flipped him off. "No." Fizzarolli said softly. "Then, I suggest you stay away from each other."

Blitz shrugged. "Can you let me go now?" He muffled. Stolas let him go. "I don't give a damn! I go when I want, where I want, and how I fucking want to. Besides, I'll be fine. I don't need any of you." He growled, looking hurt. "Suck my cock you ugly bitch. If you want to cause more shit in my life, go ahead. I only need myself at this point."

Blitz slammed the door, making Stolas flinch. "Mmm.. I'll go." Stolas said. He got up and walked calmly to the bathroom. He saw a hole in one of the stalls and nodded. "I know you're in here Blitz." Blitz wiped his eyes. "Fuck off Stolas."

Stolas sighed and walked over to the stall he was in. It was locked, and although if Stolas wanted he could reach his hand over and unlock it, but instead he sat against the other side of the door. "I didn't know that happened. I'm sorry Blitz." Blitz unlocked the door with his tail. "You're a stubborn bitch." Stolas smiled. "That I am. You're even worse." Blitz rolled his eyes. "I like you, Prince Stolas." Blitz playfully mocked. Stolas smiled. "You aren't so terrible either Blitz." 

(this is ab stolas realizing he had feelings for blitz)

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