Blitz's Trauma

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"Blitzo?" His mother called. He looked behind her. "Be nice. Keep your chin up and-" His father poked her. "That's enough Tilla." Tilla looked at the man. She closed the door and made a heart shape with her hands. Blitz smiled and did it back. A few seconds later he was knocked over. He winced and whined at his hand. "Hah! Loser! Your a momma's boy huh?" The older looking boy said. "N-No!" The boy laughed and got in Blitz's face. "Nobody likes a momma's boy." Blitz's eyes watered. He wiped his eyes . BarbieWire ran after them. "I'll kick both of your asses! Go away!" They got up and ran away. Blitz rubbed his hand. "They got my hand!" His voice squeaked. "Ah your fine! Get up we are gonna be late!"

end flashback

Blitz got up and out of bed. His head stung and he felt like he couldn't breathe. "Shit.. Why did I have to drink so much..?" He got up and walked into Loona's room. "Loona.. time to get up." Loona growled. "Fuck off!" Blitz sighed. "Kay." He walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He looked at his scars and sighed. "Today feels shitty." He slipped on his red turtleneck and then buttoned his jacket. He pulled up his pants and then looked at his mothers necklace.


"Blitzo.." Blitz sobbed over her bleeding and battered body. "Mom please.. please just stay awake! I can-" She held his face. "Please.. hold onto this." She gave him the skull necklace. Blitz nodded. "I love you to heaven and back." Blitz let out a sob. "Take care of your sister, and stay strong okay? Your a charm to this world Blitzo.." His heavy and bawling breath grew louder as bit his sleeve off. "It's ok mom! Your gonna make it out of this.." She rasped. "Blitzo. Look at me son.." Blitz stopped what he was doing and looked at his mom. "Keep your chin up." The bloodied body became limp as Blitz struggled to keep her awake. "Mom? Mom please.. Fuck!" He felt for her pulse. "Come on mom.. please.." He hugged her limp body and felt like his life was shattered in two.

end flashback

He grumbled. He put it on and then stumbled out the door. "Come on Loona." Loona walked out. "Do you want anything?" Loona shook her head. Blitz drove her to I.M.P and they both walked in. Like a switch went off in Blitz's mind he started smiling. "Hey Mox! Glad to see you can still walk after the shit you and Mills went through.." Moxxie growled. "Sir.. STOP FUCKING SPYING ON US!" Blitz squinted and nodded. "I'll look into it." He walked into his office and jumped into his chair. "Hummmm... aha! We got a job folks! Moxxie walked past Blitz to grab a gun and Loona got comfortable. Millie grabbed an axe and Blitz had his trusty gun and grabbed a few knives. "What's the place of the target Loonie?" Loona growled at the stupid nickname. "9380 Goldbrick Road.." Blitz smiled. "Thanks Loonie!" They made the portal into the human world. Blitz walked ahead of them and Moxxie spotted the road. Blitz searched for 9380. "Aha! Found it lets go gang!" They walked in and saw an old lady. "Oh hello dearie..." She shook as she walked slowly. "What monster would wanna kill an old lady?" Moxxie exclaimed. Blitz shrugged. "Do it for the money Mox." Moxxie sighed and walked over to her. "Ma'am.. I'm really sor-" The old lady grabbed Moxxie by his horn and beat him against the counter. "OH SHIT OHHHHH SHIIIITTT!" Blitz screamed. Millie leaped upwards and sliced her arm off. She grabbed Millie's leg with her other arm and bit her face. "Get off of me you old whore!" She yowled. Blitz shot the lady in the head and snickered. "Are you all okay?" Moxxie got up. "Not.. *cough* Not funny sir!" Millie shrugged. "I'm alright!" Blitz snorted. "This bastard paid 1k for an old lady? With anger issues?" As if it was on que, two other full grown men rounded the corner. "Grandmamma..." Blitz smiled. "Finally a challenge." One sprung over the table and tried slicing Blitz's hand. He managed to get the palm of his hand. He looked at it and paused for a minute. "B! Get your head in the game!" For a second, Millie's voice registered as BarbieWire. "O-Oh.. yea!" He got back up and sliced the guys throat. Millie bounced off of the cabinet and held the other guys legs as Moxxie snapped the guys throat. Blitz huffed. "Is that all?" He looked around the house. "Ah.. no one else. Let's go.."

The Love Between You and I (Stolitz)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara