"Babies 'n Shit"

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Stolas paced back and forth, realizing he's only getting closer to giving birth and he doesn't have time left to wait it out. "We have the wedding plans, our wedding, then the nursery and-" Blitz held his fiancés hand. "Baby, we are gonna be fine." Stolas's hands were trembling from worry, and he shook his head. "We have to get all of it done!"

Blitz smiled. "Stolas. I can wait several years to get married to you, if that's needed. Okay? If we need to worry about anything, its the baby." Stolas kissed Blitz. "How many years are we talking?" Blitz snickered. "Honestly if it wasn't a traditional, royal or fancy ass wedding I'd marry you right here right now." Blitz purred, making Stolas blush a little. "But, since we have to go traditional, I could wait at least 2 years, maybe 3?"

Stolas nodded, appreciate of Blitz's understanding. "So.. what about a name?" Blitz asked. Stolas paced around a little more. "Hm.. what about Lyra? ..or maybe Dawn." Blitz was absolutely, hands down in love with the name Lyra. "Lyra. I like that name a lot." Stolas smiled. "Lyra is a constellation of a harp." Blitz beamed. "It's beautiful." Stolas smiled. "Then Lyra it will be."

Stolas thought for a moment. "I have an important question.." Blitz hummed. "How many children do you want us to have?" Blitz shrugged. "I'd like to have any amount you'd like. My limit is 4." He said teasingly pointing at him. Stolas laughed. "I'd never want more than 4 myself.. I guess we just have to wait and see?"

Blitz groaned. "I don't wanna go.." Stolas kissed his head and held him a little closer. "You've been out for 2 months, love. It's time to go back." Blitz held on to Stolas's shoulder. "Now I'm used to being able to cuddle you anytime I want! I have to wait now!" Stolas laughed. "You can always call, darling." Blitz whimpered. "You can't make me!" Stolas got up and made a portal. "It looks like I can." Blitz pulled away. "You're so sexy when you talk like that, cut that shit out."

Moxxie and Millie paused to see the couple standing there. "Can he come back now?" Moxxie teased. "Oh shut the fuck up Moxxie!" Stolas let him down. "I need to come back with you! You're like about to pop, what if you have this kid while I'm doing a job?" Stolas kissed his head. "I'll call you. Okay?" Millie walked over to him. "Jesus, your highness! You do look like your close." Stolas smiled. "Please, I'm now engaged to Blitz. Don't call me that."

Blitz rolled his eyes. "He has a thing about that." Stolas kissed Blitz and whispered his goodbye, then left. Blitz groaned as he got off of the couch. "Okaayy.." Blitz said. "It's a work day, no killing jobs. I can't risk it with Stolas being so close to giving birth." Millie sprung up. "OOO! Did you find out the gender and name?" Blitz rolled his eyes and smiled. "Maybe.." Millie beamed. "Do tell, Blitz." Moxxie said smirking. "It's a girl, and her name is going to be Lyra." Millie squeaked. "Yay! Doesn't that mean harp?" Blitz nodded.

"Now, get to work!" Millie and Moxxie started working again. Loona decided to quit as the receptionist, and become the backup receptionist. Millie took over on work days, but when they went out on jobs Loona would take over.

Blitz on the other hand just started laying out emails. Random spams and random demons sending stupid shit to him. "Fuck, this so boring." About 2 hours passed until Moxxie walked into Blitz's office after hearing Millie start screaming in excitement. "Sir." Blitz hushed him. "Shut the fuck up Moxxie." Moxxie walked up to him. "Sir!" Blitz growled. "What?!" Moxxie sighed. "I think Stolas is in labor."

Blitz stared in shock and walked away from him, as if he didn't hear him. He paced a little in the main room. "Sir? You have to go!" Blitz snapped out of a trance. "Wait.. what's happening?" Millie grabbed his shoulders. "Blitz! Your husband is giving birth to your kid!"

Blitz's eyes watered and he ran around her, grabbed the book flipped directly to the pages he needed, and made the portal. He ran through the medical bay halls of the castle searching for Stolas or Octavia. "Shit, shit, shit, shit..." He finally found Octavia. Blitz was crying and sweating, his tail was straight, showing his true shock and alarm. "Where is he?"

Octavia bent to his level. "Blitz. I need you to listen." Blitz started to worry for Stolas. "Is he-" Octavia covered his mouth with her finger. "He's okay. He's going to be okay. He's in perfect condition at the moment. I need you to sit down, and calm down. You can't go in there with your energy levels this high or you'll scare him."

Blitz nodded and sat down. "Okay. When royals go into birth, they are giving birth to a royal baby. A powerful baby. So most of their strength and power go into the baby, and the labor. They will regain all of their energy and power afterwards. Right now, Dad doesn't look good. He's for the most part non-verbal right now."

Blitz nodded. "Right now, this isn't the Stolas we know and love. He's going to be okay, and he's not dying, he's just busy and weak." Blitz nodded, becoming more calm. "He may try to talk, but if he can't he won't. Okay? Don't pressure him to." Blitz nodded. "I won't." Octavia opened the door and let Blitz walk in. Stolas laid on his back. His feathers looked like they had been drained of color, and his eyes were dull and half closed. Blitz held back tears. He truly looked like he was dying. Blitz knew he wasn't, but comparing him from the way he looked 3 hours ago from now, hurt Blitz.

He walked closer to Stolas, and Stolas registered he was there. "Blitzy.." His voice was in a hushed whisper, and was raspy. "Hey baby.." Blitz ran his fingers through his hair, giving Stolas comfort. He closed his eyes and his heart rate slowed to normal again. "If you can't speak well, I'm not gonna make you okay?"

Stolas nodded. Blitz couldn't hold back his tears for much longer. He smiled and rubbed his thumb on Stolas's cheek. "I'm so proud of you Stolas. So damn proud." He said with his voice cracking. Tears streamed down his face, making Stolas notice. He reached up and wiped Blitz's tears. One thing Blitz was happy wasn't gone right now was Stolas's touch. "Don't cry. I'll be okay." Stolas said with a stronger tone, still sounding weak.

"I'm going outside okay? Octavia is coming in, is that okay?" Stolas nodded. "I love you." Stolas muttered. Blitz kissed Stolas's cheek. "I love you too." He walked out and covered his mouth. Loona was there, she knew Blitz had to have someone right now. "Come here, Dad.." Blitz crawled into Loona's lap and silently sobbed. It broke Loona. He knew it'd be worth it, but seeing his husband like that hurt.

Even Millie and Moxxie showed. The doctor showed eventually. It was a kind imp who had pretty and curly long hair. "Hello, I'm Doctor Keith. You are the father of this child?" Blitz nodded. He was at a loss of words, and she understood. "Thank you for your time. I'll promise I'll take care of him." Blitz smiled and nodded. "Thanks." Doctor Keith walked into the room and shut the door.

Hours went by, it was night now, and Millie and Moxxie were asleep in the guest room, Loona was asleep in her room, but Blitz couldn't sleep in that fucking bed without Stolas. That bed reminded him of comfort and Stolas's touch, his feel, and just.. him. He would break down at the smell of the sheets, and would break again when he woke up without Stolas beside him.

Octavia stayed in the room with her dad. He walked in, and Stolas was asleep. "Hey.." Blitz's eyes were glassy and his voice was hoarse. Octavia could tell he was crying a few moments before. Octavia smiled. "Hey." Blitz shook his head. "I- I don't know where to sleep.." Octavia glanced at Stolas. "You can sleep in a guest room, if that'd be easier." Blitz nodded. "Thanks." He walked to the guest room next to Millie and Moxxie's. He took the covers off and crawled in bed. A body pillow was next to him, and he instantly grabbed it and practically wrapped himself in it. His exhausted body fell asleep quickly.

Blitz woke up to being shaken violently. "Ughh.. Stol- AHHH WHAT THE FUCK?" Millie was on the other side of him, shaking him awake. Octavia, Loona, and Moxxie were there as well. "WHAT THE FUCK GUYS?" Millie hushed him. "Blitz, don't yell. Dad is about to go into the birthing room. He's ready." Octavia said with a slight smile. Blitz got up. "Can I go with him?" Octavia winced. "You could.. but with his power and that much pain.. it isn't safe. Honestly, I feel like he would ask you not to, only for your safety." Octavia said. "That's understandable.. well.. what do I do?" Octavia shrugged. "Just wait. Blitz, in less than 24 hours, you'll be a father of your own child."



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