"I'm Too Drunk For This"

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Blitz opened his eyes and saw the ceiling. "What the fu-" Blitz sprung out of bed when he noticed Stolas was next to him. "AHH-.. WHY AM I NAKED?" Stolas looked over at him. "Your always going to be some form of nude in my bed, Blitzy." Blitz grabbed his phone and looked at the moon phase. "WANING CRESCENT! It isn't the full moon, bird dick." Stolas hummed. "Get back in bed." Blitz sighed. "N-"

"Get back in bed and I'll explain." Blitz grumbled and climbed into Stolas's bed. "You came over drunk last night. The first thing you did when I opened the door was make-out with me." Blitz tilted his head. "Uh huh?" Stolas sat up and leaned against the headboard. "I'm serious! Then you told me, and I quote, 'Get your fat ass upstairs because I'm feasting on chicken tonight."

Blitz groaned in embarrassment. Stolas giggled. "It was funny, darling." Blitz lit a cigarette and took a puff out of it. "I have to get to work soon, so uh.. where are my clothes?" Stolas picked up cloth off the floor. "Here you go, love." Blitz flipped him off. "Guess I'm calling into work."

Stolas's eyes lit up. "Can you stay?" Blitz groaned. "How did I ever like you as a teenager?" Stolas took the cigarette. "Because you wanted me." Blitz rolled his eyes as Stolas blew out smoke in the shape of a heart. "Look, not everyone wants to fuck you. So don't assume that." Stolas smiled. "Yes, and I don't want everyone to fuck me. But I want you to, and you want to."

Blitz grabbed the cigarette. "Fuck off!" A butler walked in and froze. "My apologies, sire. Am I interrupting anything?" Stolas smiled. "No, you are not Pringles. Can you bring us something to eat, dear?" Pringles nodded. "Also, sire.. Princess Octavia is on her way." Stolas pushed Blitz out of bed. "Ow! Fuck you Stolas!" Stolas hummed. "Maybe later, so.. Pringles.. you scheduled with her mother for her to come now?" Pringles shook his head. "Wolf did, sire." Stolas sighed. "Tell them I'm not home when they come. I don't feel like bothering today. Now please, go get us something to eat." Pringles nodded.

"Shit.." Stolas cursed silently. "What the fuck was that even for?" Stolas looked at Blitz and forgot what he was about to say. "Blitzy, please put on clothes." Blitz scoffed. "Why?" Stolas looked at Blitz. "I'm a sex driven avian, darling. Unless you want to fuck me again I suggest doing that." Blitz got up and got a few of the shirts he left there and pants.

Stolas yelped. "Stellas coming. Hide." Blitz sighed. "Just like the good old days." Blitz slid under the bed. Stella walked in. "Of course your here, you cock eater! My word, you look horrible." Blitz hasn't seen the two interact since the divorce. He noticed the shift in Stolas's expression to something more dominant and angry. "Give me my child. She's the whole reason I ended up with your ass."

Stella scoffed. "She's getting her things. Where is your imp plaything?" Blitz slid onto the top of the bed. "Wassup?" Stella screamed. "He looks.. wait a second.." Stella looked at him more aggressively. "Where's your clown friend from highschool? Your the imp that Stolas talked to." She gave Stolas a death stare. "Uhm.. he nearly burned my face off, lady. Plus you haven't changed a bit. Still stuck up and ugly." Stella laughed. "Your one to talk!"

Blitz smiled. "Let's have your ex husband decide who's more attractive?" Stolas sighed. "Blitz that's enough. Back under the bed." Blitz looked at Stella's expression. "Are you sure you don't wanna show your loving wife any of our skills?" He pushed. Stella gasped dramatically. "Blitz. Down." Stolas ordered. "Make me." Stolas grabbed him by his collar and slid him under the bed. "That's kinky." Stolas nudged the bed to make him quiet. "That thing is.. ghastly. Why do you even-" Octavia walked in. "Bye mom." Stella groaned.

She walked out. "Hello Via!" Octavia sighed. "He's here isn't he?" Stolas hummed. "Blitz come out." Blitz stood up. "Hey." Octavia looked at her father. "Seriously?" Stolas sighed. "Blitzy, I'm so sorry for this." He kissed Blitz on the lips and threw him off the balcony. "SHIIIIIT!" Blitz landed on all fours. "FUCK YOU STOLAS!" He closed the balcony door. "Ugh.." He wiped off his knees and walked home.

He opened the door and sighed. "Loonie, daddy's hom-" Loona tackled him. "YOU DUMB BITCH! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?" Millie and Moxxie stood behind Loona and looked in shock. Blitz laughed. "I was at Stolas's!" Loona smacked his head. "You were drunk! You told me you were gonna go "feast on juicy". WHAT THE FUCK BLITZ?"

Blitz starting cackling and Loona shook him in the air. Blitz noticed the tears in her eyes. "You really scared us." Loona threw him down. Not hard enough to hurt him, but hard enough for him to lose balance. "Loona-" Loona looked at Moxxie and Millie still staring with their concerning looks. "GET. THE FUCK. OUT!" Loona opened the door and kicked Moxxie out. "Now go chase after him." Millie ran after him.

"I hate when you drink like that and then just leave. It scares me. I thought you were dead." Blitz sighed. Sometimes, he thought Loona had his mothers spirit. Not all the time, but usually when it was just the two of them she would be very caring. This scolding she was doing was something his mother would do. "But I'm not. I'm fine Loona." Loona sighed and turned on the TV.

"I'm gonna go to bed." Loona sighed. "Kay." Blitz frowned. "Loona-" Loona shook her head. "I don't want to talk to you unless you can give me a good excuse." Blitz sat next to her. "I got drunk and went to Stolas's. I don't know why. I was there, drunk of course. Probably thinking it was the full moon. So we did-" Loona gagged. "Spare me the details on that." Blitz smiled. "I woke up, and I didn't know why I was there. My clothes were ripped to shreds and I broke my phone."

Loona sighed. "Okay. Your 'forgiven'." Blitz sighed and brushed her hair back. "I love you Loona. Night." Blitz got up and when he opened his door Loona sighed. "I love you too, dork." Blitz spun around. "Really?" He leapt onto the couch. "Ugh! Yea! I do. Now, go." Blitz smiled and ran to his room. Immediately his smile dropped. He felt horrible.

He hated his habit of drinking when he couldn't take anything anymore. Blitz sat on his bed and sighed. He pulled the covers around himself and teared up. "Blitz?" Blitz sprung up. "Huh?" Loona looked at him for a second. "Were you doing something?" Blitz scoffed. "No, Loona. What do you want?" Loona sat down next to him. "Your parents are dead right?" Blitz scoffed.

"My mom is. My "dad" is still living." Loona sighed. "I wish I knew my family. Even your family." Blitz stayed silent. "You will never meet my family, Loona. I won't allow it." Loona sighed. "Why not? What could be so bad about them? Did they leave you on the side of the road? Did they abandon you? No! So they're better than my family!"

Blitz stayed quiet. "I know you want to know them. I'm sorry I'm all you have. My family.. is messed up. My father grew up in the bad sides of Imp City. My mother wasn't. He abused my mother my sister daily. My mother kept me safe. When she died in a fire, my dad spiraled into a craze. I don't know why. He wanted children out of her, not anything more. So, I ran aw-"

Loona screamed. "You ran away? Why? You had shelter there. A home!" Blitz started to get angry. "I went to a friends house with a home. I was fine!" Loona shook her head. "Who'd you run to huh? Stolas?" Blitz gasped. "How the fuck do you know that I knew him before?" Loona sighed. "Octavia! If it wasn't Stolas then who is it and why don't I know him? Why do I know nothing about you?" Blitz couldn't handle the questions. "Loona! He almost burned me to death! You know nothing about me because I don't want you to know the suffering I've been through!" Loona stayed quiet.

"Look.. I'll let you meet them. Not Fizz..arolli, but you can meet my dad and-" Loona gasped. "Okay.. let me get this straight.. you dated Verosika Mayday, were bestfriends and roomates with Fizzarolli the literal husband of the King of Lust, and your banging a prince every month? What the fuck life are you living?" Blitz shrugged. "People just like me." Loona looked away. "Thanks I guess. When are we going?" Blitz sighed. "Tomorrow. Get ready." Loona wagged her tail. "Really?" Blitz nodded. "Go to sleep. They don't live near here anymore."

(1486 words; published 2022-05-05)

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