Lyra's Training

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Lyra exhaled. "Just focus on it. Go whenever your ready." Blitz encouraged. Lyra slashed her tail and ran toward the dummy, knocking it down with her arms and legs around its arms and hips. "Good girl! Perfect tactic." Stolas walked in, crossing his arms at the sight, smiling playfully. "Teaching our daughter how to kill things?" Blitz looked up and smirked at Stolas. "I mean, no. It's in imp blood to protect, right? You read those bullshit books about it all the time."

Stolas smiled. "Well if your saying its true, then it's clearly not bullshit." Blitz rolled his eyes with a soft smile. "I just don't want her to think she should fight at every opportunity. Violence doesn't always get you what you want."

Blitz cracked a cocky smile. "Well, unless your dealing with a kinky owl. In that case just bite him and he'll give you whatever you want." Stolas blushed a little. "Oh shush!" He said hitting his shoulder. Lyra whipped around and noticed Stolas. "Mommy! Did you see me?" Stolas picked her up and kissed her.

"Yes I did! You looked very strong." She giggled and hugged Stolas tightly. "Do you wanna teach her the magic bullshit?" Stolas tilted his head. "Like the grimoire and stuff?" Stolas smiled warmly. "Oh no, darling. She has another 5 years to go before she learns about the grimoire, and I'd rather Via teach her."

Blitz shrugged. "Do you want your next lesson, Ly?" Blitz asked tapping her shoulder. She smiled and nodded. Stolas let her down, letting her run to Blitz. "So, your half imp, you know that right?" Lyra's eyes lit up and she nodded. She was proud to be half imp and half Goetia. She thought it was what her parents said, an advantage.

"So, you should have a bit of animal blood in you." She tilted her head and flicked her tail. "What?" Blitz hummed. "Well, a really long time ago, imps were in packs. The way animals are. We still have that animal instinct. We all are assigned a mix of animals, and the one that runs the most commonly is a type of cat."

Stolas's eyes widened a bit, interested in the facts Blitz was telling Lyra. He had never known imps were originally in packs. It made sense, though. The way imps looked at Stolas when he was with Blitz, was always with respect. He wondered if it was because he was Blitz's partner.

He looked back at Lyra and Blitz, who were still talking about it. Loona walked in. "Hi, sorry to interrupt, but uhh.. we have company." Blitz stopped and tilted his head. "Who?"

Stolas looked at Loona, who immediately looked at Stolas. "Grab him." Stolas's pupils showed, but they were dim. He wasn't too worried, but he knew it wasn't good if he were going to have to hold Blitz down."

"The fuck you- HEY!" Stolas picked Blitz up, and Lyra followed them to the dining room. The two that were sitting there, were Fizzarolli and Asmodeus. Fizzarolli was being held back as well, and the two snarled at the sight of each other.

He let Blitz go, after Blitz whispered he promised he'd behave. "Sorry for the sudden, appearance. I just wanted to invite you to our wedding." He smiled warmly. Stolas smiled back. "It worked? Wow!" Asmodeus nodded, and then noticed Lyra's figure in the doorway.

"Oh.. is that your daughter?" Stolas noticed her and looked at Blitz, who was eyeing Fizzarolli. "Yes, she is." Asmodeus smiled. "She's very pretty." Lyra smiled shyly. "Thank you." Fizzarolli wriggled free, which made Blitz hiss. "Stolas, get Lyra behind you." He said, without breaking eye contact. "Come here, Lyra." Lyra spotted Fizzarolli and watched her fathers tail go 100 miles per hour as he glared him down.

"Mommy, what is Daddy doing?" She whispered. "Remember the imp thing he told you about? How they still have their pack instincts?" He whispered back. "Yea." She glanced up at Stolas. "That's what he's doing. He's protecting us." Lyra observed, investigating so she could use it in her training later.

"I'm very happy for you guys, and happy it went well." Fizzarolli smirked and took a step closer toward Lyra and Stolas. Blitz raised a brow slightly, asking him silently if he really wanted to fuck with his kid and husband.

Fizzarolli walked back to Asmodeus, letting Blitz know he wouldn't mess with what was marked as his. In the imp mind, it's like putting your name on something. You let other people know you can't hurt the item. It's yours, and they'll face consequences for hurting it.

Blitz walked off and picked up Lyra, kissing her on the cheek. "Thank you, Stolas. So, will you be going?" Stolas looked at Blitz, who was focused with cradling Lyra and making sure Fizzarolli keeps to himself. "Blitz." Blitz jumped and looked at Stolas. "Huh?" Stolas raised a brow. Blitz looked around the room and looked annoyed at Stolas. "I want payment." Blitz whispered.

Stolas smiled at Blitz and changed his gaze to Asmodeus. "Yes, we are going." Asmodeus smiled back. "Great. It won't be for another year or so, but I'll let you know." Stolas tilted his head. "Wonderful." When Asmodeus got up, Fizzarolli flipped Blitz off making Blitz scoff. "Fuckin' robot skank.."

"Blitzy?" Blitz looked at Stolas. "Hm?" Blitz put Lyra down and walked over to Stolas. "We have to go, you know. I know it'll be hard, but you are going to have to behave." Blitz growled seductivley. "Oh? Are you gonna make me or some kinky shit?" Stolas gently placed both his hands on his face. "I'm serious, dear."

Blitz rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Don't do that. Look at me." Blitz looked at Stolas. "You have to behave. Promise me." Blitz kissed Stolas. "I promise."

Stolas kissed Blitz deeper than before, making Blitz have to break it, and pointed his tail in the direction of Lyra, to remind Stolas of the child behind them. Lyra probably wouldn't have noticed, because she was too focused on the plants around her.

Lyra's tail softly wagged, showing her interest in them. "Hm, she get's that shit from you." Stolas tilted his head. "That she does." Blitz put his arms on Stolas's shoulders. "Mmm, I'm feeling kinda tired. Wanna call it a night, birdbrain?" Stolas kissed his head. "Yea. Lyra, starlight! It's almost time for bed."

The next morning, everyone in the dining room was eating breakfast, except Stolas. He was nowhere to be found. "Hey, where's Stolas?" Loona asked. Blitz shrugged. "He went to use the bathroom and never came out. I'm pretty sure he's fine."

On that note, Stolas called Blitz, sounding very stressed. "Uhhh... Yea?" Stolas rounded the corner. "Come here, now." Lyra covered her mouth, and looked at Octavia and Loona. Her father got in trouble a lot for his lewd or crude actions.

Blitz's tail flicked and straightened with anxiety. He rounded the corner and got out of earshot of the kids. "Blitz, I'm pregnant."



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