mission 2

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After the night that y/n and the rest slayed the aswang they immedeiately return to y/n's parents.

Dad- so son why are you soaking with blood and sir azazel here is clean??

Y/n- well dad azazel here is dealing with the big birds while i am dealing with those pigs and dogs..to be shocking it was my first time to see a giant  pig and dog..

Azazel- so do i..i never saw an ugly crow..

Mr l/n- that is an aswang..sir but if you encounter a mananaggal who knows what will be your reaction..

Azazel- ahh about that we plan to haunt it tomorrow night..and the mayor said he has a plan for medical mission for pregnant women tomorrow...

Mr l/n- i will come with you..i know where to spot the mananaggal..and that place is filled with some elements..

Azazel/y/n- elements??

Mr l/n- elements like the famous white lady black lady kapre and tikbalang..

Y/n- what kind of elements is that??

Mr l/n-A White Lady (or woman in white) is a type of female ghost. She has long straight hair, typically dressed in a white dress or similar garment, reportedly seen in rural areas and associated with local legends of tragedy. White Lady legends are found in many countries around the world. Common to many of these legends is an accidental death, murder, or suicide, and the theme of loss, betrayed by a husband or fiancé, and unrequited love.

Azazel- what about the black lady..

Mr l/n- it is the same as the white lady but the color is black..

Y/n- so both of them are considered to be a specter..did they harm any one??

Mr l/n-no not really. But it was scary for us to see those beings..

Y/n- i see..they are harmless..

Azazel- what about the others??

Mr l/n- a kapre is a tree dweling creature in this country mythology but most of them are harmless and some of them are brute if they are harmed..

Y/n- i see they are also harmless how do kapre look like??

Mr l/n- it eas easy they are extremely tall black amd hairy and they stinks..and most of all they are fond of smoking cigars..a giant cigars..

Y/n and azazel- eeehhhh!!!

Mr l/n- relax kapre are harmless they are like playing tricks..and for those who weaks in heart probably it was scary for them..

Azazel- are youbnot scared of kapre??

Mr l/n- no..i often saw a kapre and he didn't harm me..not one bit..

Y/n- what about tikbalang??

Mr l/n- tikbalang is a creature that it's head of a horse and a human body..

Y/n- a humanoid horse?? Is it harmful creature??

Mr l/n- some of them yes but mostly no..if we encounter a bad tikbalang all we had to do is to reverse our ask permission..

Y/n- well their tricks is not effective on me..i have a sharp sense dad..i can sense if that creature will play tricks on us i will slay it..dangerous or not..

Azazel- sheesh..

Mr l/n- well there are more myths here in our place but most of them are harmless. You slay the aswang..and now you are aiming for the mananaggal..the most dangerpus creature to fight..

Y/n- ifnyou are normal yes it was hard. But me..no i can slay it in a blink of an eye.. but i will try to play with that creature..

Azazel- well if i spotted the manannggal i will fly and lure it out so that you can spot the lower half..

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