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location y/n home

azazel-welcome home boys and girls!!!!

y/n throw the head of the griffin to azazel along with the head of the leshen

azazel-what the heck is that??

y/n-that my dear friend was the head of the leshen and the archgriffin..hahaha

azazel-and you manage to slay it..

y/n- i slay the leshen but the griffin it was slay by both kiba and y/n.

azazel-ooohhh!! daaannnggg!!! how did you kill it??

y/n-ohh throwing bombs here and there and slash the silver sword to the front side use my magic to protect me and here it is..

saji- and he is not serious to slay those monster..

irina-ohh he was not serious that time..he looks cool and stinky!!

azazel- stinky?? how? it was just blood..

saji-when i inspect the aerial side i saw some nest. when y/n and the rest arrive he set something to lure the griffin!!!

azazel-i see and here is the payment for the monster..

y/n-thanks zaz..okay guys!! lets go to bath! before we devide this cash for our hard work...


saji-o yeah!! finaly salary!!

y/n-lets go sleeping beauty!!

sona and the rest of the girls arrive due to the reek of smell.

sona-what is that smell?? it stinks!!!

tsubaki-is that blood on the floor?? and what is that???!!!

azazel-ohh this it was the head of the monster that we spotted on the forest!!

sona-who slay that monster??

azazel-ohh!! your boyfriends slay that monster??!!

tsubaki-are they hurt??

azazel-ooohhh!! don't worry they are not hurt. or anything..

katase-why there are blood on the floor??

azazel-probably from the monster gut...so how is your training??

ddraig-they are fine if you ask me..

azazel-good! haha...

murayama-where are the guys??

azazel-may be taking a bath...when they came here both y/n and kiba was cover in blood and y/n was being stinky..

after an hour of bath y/n and the rest was on the living room

saji-yo! y/n what are you gonna do on that monster head??

y/n-hmm may be planning to make a decoration.



saji--oh i heard about that..

y/n-ohh hear is your cut!..

saji-thanks man..how com you don't have any scratch on your body when you cut down that bird??

y/n-i use my magic that is called quen.


y/n-it was like shield to protect you for a matter of minute..

The Heartlessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن