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When kiba and sona was in the house

Kiba- please come in guys.

Sona-thank you kiba!

When sona and the gang was inside

Sona-wow this is beautiful

Kiba-yeah but this is only in the beggining.

Sona- how come.

Kiba- follow me i will show you one of his room just make sure no one will  these is our secrete ok.


Kiba- and saji be prepare and even vomit on what you will gonna see.

Saji-ha!! As if i will gonna do that!!

Kiba-you will see to that.

When they are now  inside the room that y/n's  keep.

Kiba-here we are now the weapon room of y/n.

Sona-what is this??

Momo-kiba is that a mask?

Sona's knight- is that a sword??

Kiba- momo that is not a mask that is a real head of a person and a head of a live beast that he kill.

Saji-i dont believe you!!

Sona- was speechless about what she see and fear for what she hear about y/n.

Kiba- that my friend the sword hd always use that sword is called the slayer.  And he use it when he is slaying a sinner human and beast.

Tsubaki-kiba what is in this jar??

Kiba-that tsubaki was  was the heart and internal organ of the beast and human that he kill.

Sona's peerage- gulp!!

Kiba-now you already know his secret and why you should not dispespect and making a joke to y/n he will gonna kill everybody  even me he can kill with out a mercy.

Tsubaki- but you are his friend why he will do that.

Kiba-that is the way he is??

Saji- was about to throw up and pissed due to fear.

Kiba-now you know saji becareful of what you have to say and stop being like high and mighty.

Saji- just nodded

Kiba-now lets go i know you all want to get out in this room.

Ruruko- kiba  so  how come you already know about y/n and  rias  doesn't fully know him??

Kiba- ruruko me and y/n are in the same room when we are in the experiment ob the holy sword project and he help me to escape.

Tsubaki and sona eye widen.

Kiba- yes kaichou me and y/n experimented to wield the holy sword
But we all failed.

Tsubaki-and what happen next..

Kiba-The next thing was happen i was on the verge of death and y/n was technically dead but rias saw us and both revive us

Tsubaki-i see.

Sona-but y/n doesnt have a sacred gear how come rias revive him.

Kiba-about that mey be she knew about us that we can fight a sword

Sona-ahh i see. But when y/n becomes a devil. He automatically cast a magic.

Kiba- you're right kaichou.

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