the rites

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mayor- master y/n this is the room sir. this was the room that your patient was held.

y/n-alright. big brother sirzechs can you assist me along with gabriel and azazel.

the tree leaders nod.

y/n-sera please guard the door sona please prepare some strong drinks for the 3 of us.

sona- alright.

y/n-mayor please come with me along with the priest.

mayor and priest nodded.

sona- before that dear drink this.  i have a feeling that it will take you to it's toll.

y/n- thanks.

y/n takes the potion and start drinking it.

secretary-what did you drink sir??

y/n-potion because this will not be easy.

secretary- there are more than 10 victims there can you defeat it all.

y/n-haha! this is not my first time to do it.. i can also do if you don't believe it you are welcome to come.

sirzechs-let's go brother.

inside the room

y/n-what the!!

gabriel- my god!! this was hiddious.

y/n-who ever did this i will butcher them!!!

mayor- calm down sir.

y/n-listen mayor this no ordinary voodoo it was a voodoo pair with a demon inside!!

sirzechs and serafall-a demon!!

y/n- yes!! any moment from now this victim will pass on!

sirzech- f*cking hell!! 

y/n- cool it brother. we will see who is this demon.

gabriel- let's start.

y/n start to cast a magic sign to the victim and start chanting a very dark magic.

priest-he is using dark magic??

secretary- dark magic.

priest- indeed a strong dark magic.

secretry-he is going to perform voodoo too??

priest-no this is exorcism rites from the dark ages. let's see.

after chant

possesses victim-who dares to disturb my ritual.

y/n- i did biatch..

possess victim-who are you.

y/n-your nightmare! now then let's talk why did you put a voodoo curse on these people.

possess victim- not your concern!! don't challenge me.

y/n- oh! let's see to that!!

y/n- punish the victim.

possess victim-aaaahhhhh!!!! it burn's it's burning me!!

y/n- you better talk to me if you want to leave!!

possess victim- not in your life!!

y/n- ohhh really!! try this!!!

possess victim-what! is that!! aaaarrrggghhhh!!!!

y/n- i know you have a master!! voodoo ritual will not work if the demon is not grant you a power!!

possess victim-never!!

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