i think so

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during the party

teacher-i was curious ddraig-san do you have any special key or whatever to unlock you full power during in that gear??

ddraig-indeed i have. it's a chant that everybody fear.

geralt- can you recite it for us?

eskel-we were just curious. what chant is that??

ddraig- in english or in japanese.

principal-both. we were not proficient in english..

ddraig; alright! it goes like these

I, who am about to awaken,Am the Heavenly Dragon who has stolen the principles of domination from GodI laugh at the "infinite", and I grieve at the "dream"I shall become the Red Dragon of DominationAnd I shall sink you to the depths of the crimson purgatory!

ddraig- that is the chant in english! and 

Ware, mezameru waHa no koto ari wo kami yori ubaishi Nitenryū nariMugen o warai, mugen o ureu gaWare, Akaki ryū no haō to nariteNanji o guren no rengoku ni shizumeyou

ddraig-that  is the chant in japanese

michael-ddraig you do know that your chant giving us a nightmare.

teacher-what did you mean??

michael- sensei what i mean is i already saw ddraig in his dragon form. and it was giving us a chill. ddraig here was powerful than us.
ddraig- don't be like that michael we are all friends here i had enough of fighting any way i love living here with my friends here.

 principal- it's alright michael san. atleast we have a friend here who is a literal dragon.

michael- understood.

azazel-anyway i will call xenovia to come here.

vesimir- go ahead.

azazel- xenovia! come over here i have something to tell you.

xenovia-what is it lord azazel.

azazel- xenovia as of these moment i will not gonna conduct your training.

xenovia-why my lord.

azazel-despite of your attitude and your fighting style. i had request  y/n and kiba's mentor here to train you. in fighting. 

xenovia- why my lord. i know i have causing you a lot of trouble bu-

michael- xenovia i know that you and y/n didn't go along each other.  but what we saw earlier banter about him being a witcher. even when you first meet him you didn't listen to his advice. may be it was good for you to train with y/n's mentor here and experience what are they made for.

xenovia- i know that i dissapointed you my lord bu-

michael- but still you didn't show any improvements that you and y/n are in good terms. you do know pride is a great sin. and you show a large pride in your self. that is because you had an excalibur in your hands?


lambert-listen to your superior small fry!!!

eskel-when someone is talking do not interrupt the man! 

michael- as i was saying xenovia. listen here you may have excalibur  child but still there is another sword who was more powerful than the fragment of the sword. 

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