after fight yada yada

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after the fight the students and the rest of the staff of the school went outside much to their shock to see the body of the dead vampire. along with y/n and the rest.

principal-what is this??

y/n-that is the vampire and sad to say that most of the body here was our former teacher and sempai..

teacher-you slay them all.

y/n- yes i have no other choice they can't be return to normal.

principal-i see.

y/n- understand sensei when a high vampire turn you into one of their own you can't return back to your normal self. and i was too late for me to save them..

xenovia- hmmphh!! some exorcist and monster slayer you are!! 

y/n approach xenovia and punch her hard to her gut and xenovia spit some blood.

y/n-i had enough of you xenovia..i may be a monster slayer and i can lift a curse or perform any rituals!! but i am also part human!! i have a limitation!! i am not god!! i can't perform any miracles!!! do me a favor please can you try commit suicide!! that is why the angels sends you to azazel..because they believe azazel can discipline you!! sigh!! i'm too tired of this!! 

kiba-so what will you gonna do to the body.

y/n-we will burn them.

sirzechs-we will help you 

ddraig- me too!!

the rest can you help me aside from the students here


principal-i will get some kerosine

y/n-no need for that! think you saw me to perform magic.

principal-indeed i saw you but it's not only me..all students here saw you cast a magic spell.

y/n-i guess our secret was out on the bag??

principal-indeed but no problem your secrets was safe to us that includes all of you..

devil kings- thank you so much..

angels-indeed thank you so much!!

principal- no need! you did your part now it was ours to do our part tight childrens!!

student-yeah!!! no worries!!

y/n-alright guys!! if you have any problem you know who you gonna call!! 

principal-indeed and i believe sona here know where you leave and your mobile number!!

y/n-alright let this monsters to be burned..of before i forget after we cremate this carcass! you should burn your garments!! hahahaha so that no monsters or enemy will detect you!! unlike me and kiba..we drank our potion before the fight!! 

devil kings- alright!!!

angels- okay!!!!


y/n-alright guys i hope you bring some extra clothes on you hahah!!


y/n-no worries about your side pretty are safe and beside you didn't fight those monsters..ohh by the way zechs sera-san! change your clothes there is a blood on your armor you too mickey and gaby..

michael-why do we need to change clothes??

y/n-because of the blood the vampire..

kiba- it is better to be safe my lord because the blood of the infected vampire that you fought. it will bring out more monsters. such as ghouls. 

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