gathering and transmutation

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After vesimir and y/n talk they both gather in the dinning hall

Lambert- well well if its the young man who beat the white wolf.

Vesimir-hahaha you see y/n  this is our gathering a witcher and a mage.

Y/n- yeah it's just a gathering or a feast.

Eskel-this is how we greet  to a new friend of ours.

Y/n-thank you guys!!

Vesimir- alright guys let the party started.

Geralt- ohh yeah im with that y/n are you ready for drink..

Y/n- master geralt if you know that im still a minor haha i cant drink alcohol

Vesimir-he is right geralt. Y/n here is a minor. Hahaha.

The witchers- alrught alright shheeshh

Ciri and yen walk- and the party started without us!!

The witcher- yeesshh im sorry  ladies alright..

Vesimir- alright gents thats enough come ladies join us..

Ciri and yen- alright, ohh yeahh

During the party and everybody enjoying.

Vesimir-alright guys i have an announcement to make!!

And everybody stop their doing abd listen to vesimir.

Geralt- and what is your announcement to make??

Vesimir- early today i was in y/n's room i just make a selfish request to him.

Yen and ciri- and what is it??

Vesimir-you already know the abilities of y/n and what he can do and what he can able to make. His style is unknown to us and his magic is very high and i just conclude that he is a perfect candidate to make a very powerful witcher so i risk a gamble to ask him if he will become one of us..

Geralt, yen, and ciri- are you crazy vesimir!!! The path of being a witcher is no joke!! He may die or lost everything he have!!.

Vesimir-i know its a risk to for him and i'm sorry for that

Y/n- please guys dont shout him. And please listen to what he say!!

Ciri- but y/n being a witcher is not an easy task you may lose  everything people may hate you and loose your dignity or your humanity.

Y/n-ciri listen to me okay ( holding ciri on the cheek ).

Ciri- ( tears running on his cheek ). Okay

Y/n- listen ciri you already know my past how my childhood went through. During my childhood days you already know that i was expiremented within a harsh way and failed. I was technically dead and you know it.

The witcher's eye went wide that y/n has been experimented on the first time.

Eskel and lamber- what you have been experimented!!

Y/n- yes guys i have been experimented
You already notice how i wielded a sword right.

Eskel and lambert just nodded

Listen guys what experimented i have been through during that day was also no joke. We train day and night without stopping until the day we are able to wield the holy sword. But that is also the day that we failed that lead to our death.

Geralt ciri yennifer- have a sad face

Y/n- you see guys being experimented i can endured to that but i can't handle to loose a friend..i will do everything so i can to save a friend.

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