fly me to the moon

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during the flight

azazel-so how are you feeling about the take off??

y/n-i think my gut was left in the airport.

azazel-hahaha!! it's okay boy. it's your first time.

y/n-anyway the flight was 4 to 5 hours we still have enough time to play cards.

azazel-ooorrrr!! do something stupid haha.. ohh by the way most of the attendants will come to us any moment from now.

y/n-hhmmpff! i bet those girls will tell the others that they saw my unique trait. or they will going to interrogate you dumbass teacher.

azazel-haha! well i am a genius scientist. 

y/n-yeah! the girls will be pissed about the ruckus that you made earlier.

azazel-ohh please y/n i know it already..

y/n-are you capable on reading mind??

azazel-of course i am..every supernatural have that trait and you know it. because you are one of those being.


after 1 hour

after 1 hour of flight the attendants distribute the  meals.

flight attendant 2- hello again sir her is the menu for today's meal.


y/n-huh! thhis is the menu.

azazel-shut it. i will handle this. alright.

y/n-shesh azazel. you are just flirting to that flight attendant. or may be you are just going to sign an autograph.

azazel-shut it boy. i am sorry for my companions attitude he has a bad stomach.

flight attendant 2- he's feelinng unwell sir?? maam he left his intestines at the airport. hahaha so your name is layla??

layla-yes sir. and may i know your name??

azazel- just call me azazel the genius doctor who open this boy's eye.

layla-nice to meet you azazel. 

y/n-and i am y/n by the way i am this supposed to be genius patient. and friend.

layla-fufuf both of you are funny.

azazel-anyway my dear did you tell your co workers about us being a doctor and patient??

layla- yes sir. they are curious about the two of you.

azazel-ohh i will bet they want to have a picture with the two of my boyfriend over here.

y/n- dude i don't swing that way.

azazel- i love you too buddy.

layla-fufuf here are your meal guys good apatite.

y/n-really sensei.

azazel-ohh please give them some humor every once in a while their job is not easy you know.

y/n-hhhmmm...anyway azazel why the president and the church wants to have an interview about us??

azazel-dude. remember philippines may have a lot of myths and legends there not all the people there believe about the legends and myths. only a select few believe it.

y/n-ohh i see.  is this your first time to travel in that country??

azazel-yeah to be honest.. hmmm according to my research this country was focus to politics and religious group. their devotion to the father was high. 

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