Chapter 2 - To the Schale Building

Start from the beginning

"Good! Ready you four?" I ask, to which they collectively nod.


Ah, good old Kivotos, so peaceful. So-


The sounds of explosions and gunfire ring out near the Schale building. The four of us hide behind a some rubble, as I grip my pistol. A spare 9mm the chopper's pilot gave me.

Yuuka groans. "Why do we have to be the one's to fight them?!"

"Rin said defending the club room is paramount if they're to regain control of Sanctum tower." Chinatsu explains, hoping to placate Yuuka.

"I get that, but I belong to my school's student council! Why is busywork like this falling to me?" The treasurer complains. Suddenly, Yuuka gets hit in the shoulder with some bullets. "Ah, that's smarts! What the heck?! Are they using JHP rounds? That's cheating!" She complains, treating the bullets she just took to the chest as mere bug bites.

"Just take cover, Yuuka." Hasumi says. "And besides, hollow-points aren't considered illegal."

"Well, they're illegal at our school starting right now! That might have left a mark!" She continues complaining.

"Damn, you girls really are bullet proof." I point out, surprised.

Hasumi sighs. "We need to remember that Sensei is with us. His safety is our top priority, reclaiming that building will come second."

"Hasumi is right, Sensei isn't from Kivotos." Chinatsu agrees. "Unlike us, a single bullet could put Sensei in grave danger, don't forget that!"

"I know that!" Yuuka says. As she opens her mouth to continue, I interrupt.

"Don't worry too much, I've taken a few bullets before, they're like candy to me." I joke. "But seriously, I'll hang back and give ya'll orders unless need be. Trust me." The four girls eyes widen a bit in slight shock and confusion.

"What? You're really going to take command? Well... I guess you are supposed to be a teacher." Yuuka reasons.

"I did ask for what you gals could do on the chopper, remember? Besides, I know what I'm doing, so don't worry." I say, hoping to reassure the girls. Though Yuuka is the only one vocal about it, I can tell the other three girls are a bit unsure.

"It'll be fine." Suzumi finally speaks up.

"Okay. We'll follow your lead." The winged girl says with a nod.

"A student must listen to their teacher. We'll be counting on you." Chinatsu says, eliciting a nod from me.

"Okay, let's go!" Yuuka says, readying herself.

"Yuuka, Suzumi, take front." I order. With a nod each, Yuuka and Suzumi jump over the rubble and towards the delinquent-looking girls that've been firing at us. "Hasumi, take the rear. Chinatsu, stick back and keep an eye on our six." They nod and ready themselves.

The purple and silver haired girls take out a few AR wielders, most likely knocking them out. Hasumi hits the last one, knocking her out as a few more appear, some wielding miniguns. Those'll be trouble.

"Suzumi, flash 'em!" I yell. Reaching into her bag, she throws a flash grenade at the group, blinding them as the girls knock them out quickly.

A mix of AR and minigun users appear from the corner. "Yuuka, rush 'em with that barrier!" She nods, taking a tablet from her back pocket. After tapping on it quickly, a translucent blue barrier appears around her. She pulls out her second MG and takes them down quickly, Hasumi and Chinatsu still taking potshots from a distance.

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