"Mikasa...? Why her?"

"Well... Only Ymir knows that one. As for me... Even I still don't know... What Mikasa will do." Eren's eyes soften upon mentioning Mikasa.

Y/N could only smile about it and thought. 'Maybe it's because... Mikasa knew how to love a killer. But Levi's... Also a killer. Hmm, I don't know anymore.'

Y/N chuckled to herself.

"The only thing I know for sure... Is the result of Mikasa's choice. All of it... Has been to arrive at that result... That's why I moved forward. Killing eighty percent of humanity. Forcing you to fight each other in Paradis. Getting even my precious friends and my only sister... Wrapped up in this battle without even knowing if you'd survive it."

Y/N felt a guilty pang in her. Eren knew all of this ever since the award ceremony and has been carrying a burden for so long... In the end, he'll be left out all alone.

"You know... My head's gotten all messed up. The Founder's power has made it so that there's no past or future... It all exists once. So... I had to do it..." Eren groaned as Y/N patted his back.

"Let's go."

"Hey, Eren... What would be like for my future?" Y/N asked letting the small waves of the ocean water hit her ankles.

"You'll be happy... I know it... You'll be bearing his children and be happy. I think." Eren scratched his head then Y/N looked at him.

"Then... What about you...? What would happen to Mikasa? What if she finds someone else?!!" Y/N suddenly grew angry as Eren remained calm with every question. "What if she leaves you for another man?!!! What if she forgets you?!!!"

"Well... We'll see..."

Y/N snapped out of her patience kicking and letting Eren fall to the sea. The older sister puffed angrily at Eren folding her arms together.



"No, I don't want her to find someone else!! I want her to think about me and no one else!! Even after I die I still want her to think of me even for at least ten years!!!" Eren exclaimed looking hopeless and defeated as Y/N sighed in frustration.

"Life is such a shit, you know..." Y/N said and sat beside him on the sea even though both of them would get wet.

"You know you started to sound awfully like the Captain," Eren said and looked down. "I'm happy that you two would be happy."

"Thus you want Mikasa to be happy but you want to be with her and be happy..." Y/N changed back the subject. "But... You have to become the villain and die in this shitty."

"Yeah... Don't repeat that to Mikasa." Eren said.

"You know I can't keep promises." Y/N snickered.

"Y/N... Next time we meet you and Mikasa would try to kill me but... You'll probably remember this again once it's all over." Eren turned to Y/N seeing she was crying.

"Eren..." Y/N choked as she then dragged Eren to a hug. Eren wasn't sure at first but went with it. "I haven't hugged you like this since after Big chungus and his sidekick invaded Shiganshina."


"Thank you, Eren... For literally becoming a mass murderer and villain for our sake..." Y/N choked while tears came. "I won't let any of your efforts go to waste. I'll live happy with Levi."

"I always wondered... Who's your favorite sibling between me and Zeke?" Eren asked as Y/N snorted.

"Let's see Zeke may have saved me from being taken away at a young age but at the same time I ran away from him..." Y/N laughed. "Of course, we both know you're my favorite, Eren..."

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