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<Angie's pov>

<Angie's pov>┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓

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It was the day of the dance and Lydia and Allison were coming over to my place since none of us had dates.

Allison had said Scott couldn't go to the formal because of his grades but I'm sure if he could they would be going together.

Jackson and Lydia weren't on speaking terms they hadn't been for a while now and honestly I was hoping they were done for good he didn't deserve her.

And well me we all know why I don't have a date but I'm sure if Isaac could he would gladly go with me.

"So he basically said no to you?" Lydia paused just as she was adding blush to her cheeks.

"Basically but..."

"But?!" Lydia stopped me while Allison sat as I curled her hair. "No buts! He turned you down after you asked him to the dance. You know that's a one in a lifetime opportunity for a guy like him!"

"It wasn't like he didn't want to go with me, he just can't!" I replied back while I took another strand of hair.

"Then why can't he just sneak out like any other normal teenager?" She suggested making me roll my eyes.

"It's not like that for everyone Lydia Isaac seems like a good guy if he turned Angie down there was a reason and there was" Allison intervened she had been quiet about it way too long but I guess we were close enough now.

"A reason I understand. I just wish it was different..." I really did. Isaac should be allowed to have fun and even go to a dance with some friends but his dad didn't even allow that and it was wrong and I hated it.

It made me angry to the point that I wanted Isaacs dad gone, not just put away in jail, just completely gone.

It was wrong to think that but my anger always got the best of me but I always managed to calm down. One of the biggest rules my mom had with me was to be calm.

I had learned to anchor all my anger towards her. It usually worked. I don't know why she did that but the only explanation I got was that I needed to control my magic. If I were to get upset it was bad for it.

I hated Isaacs dad that was no lie but maybe hating him to the point he was dead was a bad thing to do.

"There you go all done..." I let go of the last curl I did on Allison's hair brushing off my thoughts.

Allison got up and went to look at it in the mirror smiling.

"Thank you, I love it!" She exclaimed looking back at me and I just smiled.

"What about you Lina? What are you doing with your hair?" Lydia got up finishing her makeup Allison taking her spot.

"Uh...just leaving it curled" I replied and she nodded, taking her dress from the bed and I took mine.

𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 - Isaac L.Where stories live. Discover now