1. The end is only a beginning.

Începe de la început

The woman kissed the little girl before placing her down on her own feet. I could see from here that the little girl was crying. She tugged on her mothers dress as she stomped her feet.

Her mother bent down to comfort her. The little girl slipped both her middle fingers into her mouth as her mother spoke softly. I watched the lady kiss both chubby cheeks as the man ran his fingers through the little girls wild shoulder length curls.

When she had finally calmed her mom stood to look down at her.
"Ready Bug?"
I heard faintly.

The little girl looked up at her mom with giant eyes and nodded her head. I noticed her fingers never slipped from her mouth.

I cringe a little. I think the thumb suckers at kindergarten are gross enough.

Her mother took her hand as the father lead them towards the house.

It was at this moment that the front door opened and I watched as my mother rushed out to meet the couple. She ran straight for the woman and wrapped her arms around her tight.

The two ladies hugged for a long time. When they had finished my mom enthusiastically shook the man's hand. When my mom noticed the little girl hiding behind her mothers legs my mother crouched down to speak to her.

The curly haired girl  peaked around her mother. Then they both turned to look at me.

"Should we go say hello?" My father asked startling me.
I hadn't even heard him come out. He leaned down and takes hold of my hand before I could reply. Without waiting he leads me towards the crowd.

I vaguely listened as the adults spoke greetings to one another. I was more interested in the big hazel eyes that popped out from behind the woman's legs every few seconds to look at me.

After the third or forth time I couldn't help myself and I giggled.

That was the first time I thought anyone was cute.

She looked like a bunny peeking out of a hole to make sure nothing scary was around.

My mother gently ruffled my hair to get my attention.
"Would you like to meet mommies friend?" She asked me and I shrugged less than enthused to meet grown ups.

My mom introduced me to Claude and Evie White. Evie is my moms best friend from her home town. And the kids name is Arie you could've knocked me over with a feather when I realized he wasn't a girl at all.

Photo of Arie age 4:

Photo of Arie age 4:

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


-"I can't do this anymore." He says after we have showered and dressed.

I look at him careful to keep my expression neutral as he waits for me to react to his statement.

For only a second I'm tempted to ask him what he means. But I already know. Deep down I knew this would happen and I won't be a weak bitch and beg.

Unrequited? Air at SeaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum