Chapter Fifty Three

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  "You're home ! I was so worried !" Jessy said, walking to me and hugging me. Ah, i forgot to text her on my way back.

"Sorry, i forgot to send you a text. I was thinking about what happened back there while i was on my way back." I said, hugging her back. "Do you mind if i go sit a bit ? I'm feeling a bit tired. I'll explain to you what happened."

"Sure. You do look a bit pale. Go sit, i'll bring you a glass of juice."

"Thank you Jessy." I said, slowly walking to the couch. I nearly tripped over the carpet but was capable to grab the couch and stop myself from falling. Quickly sitting down, i sighed in relief. I knew that leaving without eating anything since the night before, wasn't that good of an idea.

I called for Jessy from where i was sat. "Jessy ? Do you have a fruit or something ? Or crackers ?"

"I'll bring them !" I heard her look into some cupboard while i took off my shoes and laid down a bit on the couch. I let my hand fall on my forehead, taking a deep breath. Maybe i shouldn't go running on an empty stomach when i'm trying to recover from illnesses.


I opened my eyes that i had closed and looked at her. She was handing me a small pack of crackers and a banana. I took it in my hands, sitting back up so she could take a spot next to me.

"Thanks." I said, peeling the banana. Once done, i took a bit and chew slowly.

"Are you alright ?" Jessy asked, and i could hear her worries in her voice.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." I smiled to her, taking another bite. "I'm just probably low on sugar. It tends to happen sometimes when i don't eat enough. I forgot to eat anything today and then i had to leave so i wasn't able to." I quickly explained.

"You can't do that !"

"I didn't do it on purpose. I try to remember to eat but i just didn't have time today. I'll be fine after eating this and laying down a bit."

"If you say so..." She said, still looking worried.

"I do." I finished my banana and took a sip of the glass of juice that Jessy had put on the table. "Oh, by the way, would it be okay for Jake to come spend a bit of time here tonight ? It won't be for too long, don't worry."

"Of course, you don't have to ask, you practically live here now." She smiled a bit.

"Concerning that, it won't be for that much longer i think. Jake and i, we want to try and see if we can live together. And on the side, i'm still looking for an apartment if it doesn't work."

"Oh okay. You're staying in Duskwood ?"

"Yeah. As much as i can say, Jake has a place somewhere near, not directly in Duskwood. And if i can, i'm looking at something to rent in Duskwood too. We're just waiting a bit until all is in the clear." I said, pulling my phone out.

Sorry, i was supposed to text you when i came back. I'm safe at home, i just needed to take a small rest.

Oh and, you can come here tonight, if you still want and can.

Are you sure you're alright ? And yes, i still can. I'll come a bit after sunset.

'After sunset', there's only Jake to talk like that. I simply responded to him that i was really alright and that i would see him tonight. It would be three more hours until then.

"Okay, Jake's coming tonight. Please Jessy, do not say anything weird. I know you." I said to her, looking as she smirked.

"I'll try to control myself, don't worry. Maybe you should rest a bit more ? Try to nap a few minutes ? You can explain what happen after that."

It's not the same anymore (Duskwood Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz