Chapter Forty Six

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  Strangely enough, i woke up first. Jake was still asleep in my arms. He looked like he needed the much deserved sleep. I knew him, he probably didn't get that much sleep. Slowly, i moved his arms and got out of bed. He moved slightly in his sleep, hugging the pillow to his face. I giggled without making a noise and left the bedroom taking my phone with me.

Going down the stairs, i got into the kitchen to drink a bit of water. At the same time, i unlocked my phone when i saw that Hannah had texted.

Hey, Jessy told me that you were with Jake ?

Yes ? I spent the night here. Did you need something ?

Would it be possible to talk with him ?

I bit my lip. Because Jake wanted to talk with her and Lilly, but he also wanted to wait a bit until all of this mess would be resolved.

Hm, it could be possible, but you would have to wait a bit for it, sorry :(

Is it because of what you're doing with Alan Bloomgate ?

Sort of. But i'll ask him again if you want ?

"Who are you texting this fine morning ?"

I jumped a bit, turning around to see Jake standing in front of me. His shirt had lifted up a bit and i could see the smooth skin of his hip. His hair were undone, making him look a bit younger than what he was.

"Wait, i never asked you but, how old are you exactly ?" I asked, putting my phone against my chin.

He looked at me weirdly for a moment before laughing. "What the fuck Judith ?"

"That's... the first time i heard you swear." Not that i was chocked, but it really was the first time.

"Can't believe i'm dating you. You're a piece of work. But that's fun." He said, walking to me before placing his arms on my hips. "And to answer your question, i'm twenty nine."

"I thought you would have been older than me than by three years." I said, smiling. "Oh and to answer you, i was talking with Hannah. She asked me if she could talk with you."

"What did you answer ?"

"That it would be possible but not right now." I said, unlocking my phone once again.

"Tell her i'll try to think about something to talk to her."


Oh, you do not have to !

It's alright. Jake said he will try to come up with something so he can text you.

Oh, thank you Judith ! I'll let you two now ;)

Why did i have the feeling that i would never hear the end of me sleeping at Jake's apartment ? First Jessy and now Hannah with her winky smiley.

"I believe that Hannah and Jessy are plotting against my sanity." I sighed, putting my phone behind me on the kitchen counter.

"Why's that ?"

"I believe that they think you and i are doing more than cuddling like kids. "

"Well, i would know if we did more than that. Do not worry, they'll stop bugging you soon." Jake said, smiling to me.

"Don't go and threaten them please."

"I won't, i promise." He smirked before leaning down and kissing the tip of my lips. When he pulled back, he seemed much more serious. "I'm sorry, i won't be able to hang out with you today."

His head fell on my shoulder, making me put my hand in his hair. "Don't worry, i know you have work to do. You're going to look for the guy who called Alan yesterday ?"

I felt and saw him nod. "Yes. I must understand why he resurfaced now after all those years." He pulled back, sighing. "I hate to leave you but i won't be able to concentrate much if i know you're here while i can't really be with you."

"Aw, am i that captivating ?"

"Much more then you think." I looked at him as he started blushing.

"It's cute. But don't worry, if i spend one more day here, Jessy would think much more than what she is already thinking about. I'll hang out with someone, maybe Dan. Or Cleo."

"Why Dan ?" He tilted his head.

"I said that i would take a ride with him. Well, each on our bike that's it."

"Alright, just be careful while riding if you do."

"I will, don't worry." I smile to him. "Are you going to work all day ? Should i go now ? "

"You can stay a bit. I'll work after"

"Alright. Do you have any idea why he reappeared ?" I questioned, watching Jake pull back and walking to the coffee maker.

"Well, it could be just because he somehow understood i was in the plan. Or it could be that because he learn i was the one with the information, that he wants to help too. He... knows stuff too."

"Why wasn't he wanted then ?"

Jake looked at me, giving me one of the cups that he was holding. "They didn't know. And i never told."

"The government didn't find out about him ?"

He shook his head. "No. I found way more then Dylan."

"Dylan, that's his name ?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. But you can't tell anyone, not even Alan. If you talk about him, to him, use his name code. Only i know about this name code. "

"BNJ04, right ?"

"Right." He said, smiling a bit behind his cup. "I trust you with his identity."

"I won't tell anyone." I said, mimicking a zipper on my lips. His secrets were always safe with me. I would take them to the grave if i had too.

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