Chapter Twenty

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They were all leaving the place when i stooped Dan from walking further. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"What ?"

"Do you know anything about tracking a phone ? I know you said you used to work with cameras, and i also know that supervising a camera and locating a phone is not the same. But i thought i could ask just in case." I crossed my arm against my chest.

"Like you said, it's not the same. I'm afraid i won't be of any help, sorry Judith."

"It's alright. I thought so." I smiled lightly.

"Don't worry, you'll find your hackerman in no time." He smiled too, ruffling my hair with his hand. I said goodbye and look as he entered his car. Waving, i waited for him to not be in sight before leaning on my bike. Sitting on the floor, i didn't care if i was getting dirty, my jean was destroy anyway. I hadn't change clothe when i came back, too tired to do it.

"Judith ? Are you okay ?"

I looked up to Jessy. She was crossing her fingers in an anxious mannerism. "Yeah, sorry, everything is just piling up right now. I'm feeling a tad bit too anxious." I smiled at her.

She joined me on the ground, sitting across me. If someone were to see us, they would probably think we were weird.

"Can i do anything ?"

"No it's okay. I'm actually used to feeling like this. It's not the worst i've felt." I smile, turning my head against my knee to look at her. "I'll eventually feel better. I just want to find Jake. I miss him."

"And you'll find him ! You already found so much !"

I knew she was trying to cheer me up. But i felt really tired and out of it today. Maybe finding the piece of clothe made me believe that Jake had disappeared again. But this time, without telling me. I wasn't blaming him. Not at all. If he had to leave and go into hiding, i would understand.

"I just wish i could see him, even for a second. Not even that, he could just send me a text and i would be happy." I said, smiling sadly once again.

"I'm sure that once it's safe enough, he'll contact you."

"I hope. Let's get home."

I stood up, Jessy following me. Opening the door, i let her walk first inside.

"Should i order takeaways ?" Jessy asked, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

"Yeah. Anything but Chinese please."

"Why not Chinese ?"

"It's a thing with Jake." I said, smiling at her. She smiled again, dialing a number. By what she ordered, it was Italian.

When the order arrived, we simply eat, talking about how it was nice to have Hannah here with us now. I then let her in the kitchen. She wanted to tidy up the room and i wanted to take a shower and put on some clean clothes.

Inside my room, i let my mind wander on Jake. I wanted to text him, but i knew it wouldn't change the situation. He probably had lost his phone. But i'm only human.

Hey. It's me again. I'm to believe that you lost your phone. You probably had to stay in the low once again. After all, the FBI was there.

I found something, in the old house's ruins. I don't know if you meant to leave that there. But i found it. I thought i would find you too, to be honest.

I'm going to find you. Don't worry.

I bit my bottom lip, before sending one last text.

I love you.

Locking my phone, i took some clothes before going into the bathroom. And i was stupidly still hoping for an answer.

When i came back, Jessy was on the couch. I sat next to her, taking the pillow that i had claimed.

"Did you had a good shower ?"

"Too good. I thought i was going to fall asleep under the hot water." I joked, burrowing my face in the pillow. I was feeling good. I mean, my body was feeling relaxed after the shower.

I was about to fall asleep, or at least close to that, when someone knocked on the door. I opened my eyes, looking at Jessy.

"Did you expected someone ?"

"No ? Besides the group, no one knows where i live." She stood up, leaving me on the couch. Maybe it was some random guy who wanted to sell something. Closing my eyes again, i waited for her to come back. But was brought back to earth when she screamed.

"Phil !"

I jumped up, letting the pillow hit the ground. Nearly running, i stopped in front of the entrance. Jessy was hugging Phil like her life depended on it and surprisingly, Phil was hugging her just as tightly. It was kind of cute to see, to be honest.

"Phil ! Alan kept his promise !" I said, excited.

"Who are... Judith ?" He asked, rising his eyebrows.

I nodded my head fast, walking to him. He let go of Jessy to quickly hug me too. It wasn't as powerful as with Jessy.

I pulled back. "When did they let you free ?"

"Not even four hours ago. I came here when i changed clothes."

"I'm so glad you're finally free. It's been so hard !" Jessy said, going for a hug again. Phil just let her do, putting his arms around her shoulders. I could hear her let out a few sobs.

Without saying anything, i closed the door behind them, letting them have a semblance of privacy. Going to the kitchen, i started making coffee. We would need that. I don't even know if Phil was told about all of what happened. Sighing, i waited. Because if no one had told him, we would have to.

Five minutes later, i pulled three cups out of the cupboard, setting them on the table. Putting the pot of coffee, i sat on one of the chair. Jessy came then, followed by Phil.

"Well, well, never thought i would have this surprise when i got out of jail." Phil said with a smirked.

I smirked at him too, seeing Jessy hit his shoulder. "Well, never thought i would be the one to call so they could let you go."

"It was you ? Alan something mentioned someone who was bugging him. Turns out it was our little investigator."

"Alan Bloomgate. And it's not my fault that he's slow. And he was the one who wanted to talked with me at first. He just have to deal with that now. His choice." I said, pouring coffee into each cups.

"You're a genius Judith."

"Don't flirt with her. I told you she's not available." Jessy said, putting a cube of sugar in her coffee.

"And, she, is right here." I said, pointing my spoon to them. "Don't talk as if i wasn't there, miss."

"You were on the verge of sleeping not ten minutes ago."

"Your point being ?"

"You need sleep."

"Alright, you're confusing me there girls." Phil said, raising his hands in the air. It was kind of funny actually.

"Oh boy, you're going to be more than confused by the end of the day, believe me." I nearly whispered. Looking at him, i followed. "Did anyone told you anything about the time after you went to jail, until today ?"

"No ? Did that much happened ? Damn, i knew i should have asked about visits and phone calls more often." He slightly joked.

I tried to smile before looking at Jessy. She simply nodded her head to me. "I hope you're fully awake and functional. Because you're going to have to listen real good. So much happened in such a short time."

"That much ?" He asked, sipping his coffee.

"That much."

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