Chapter Sixty Two

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Hey guys, sorry for not updating in a while. I'm not doing so good so it's been hard haha. Anyway, i'll update the last two chapters of this fanfiction. After that, i'll may not be updating anymore. I had one shots ideas, but i need to find the strenght to write them. I think i'll post them in the same book as this one or i'll make a "book" two for them if i do write some.

Thank you for reading this, and yes, i do headcanon that Phil may have a full name and i made him as Phillip because it's fun :)


  "Well, well, well. Look who choose to come here !" Phil said, putting down the glass he was washing.

"Phil ! I brought you a surprise !" I said, pulling on Jake's hand so he would be by my side. "Phil, this is Jake. Jake, this is Phil. Hope you can be friends !" I said, smiling. I knew they were both annoyed, kind of. But it was funny seeing Jake smile hypocritically and Phil doing nearly the same.

"Nice to finally meet the famous hacker." Phil said, extending his hand to Jake.

He simply took it, gripping it a little bit tighter than necessary. "Nice to meet you too, Phillip." He said with a smirk.

"Phillip ?!" I turned to him, my eyes widening. "Your real name is Phillip ?!"

"I'm going to kill you." He said pointing at Jake who was still smirking. "Yeah. No need to mention it, i hate it, that's why everyone's calling me Phil. Just like everyone is calling Jessy by her nickname." He sighed. "Please never call me that."

"Can't make any promises. You all knew this ?" I turn around to see the group.

"It probably came up some day but i had forgotten to be honest." Dan said.

"I think we all knew at some point, but calling him Phil has been going on for as much as i can remember."

"Cleo's right. I honestly had forgotten his real name." Thomas said, shaking his head.

"Jessy, do you even remember your brother's real name ? That's the real question." I asked.

She giggled before nodding her head. "Of course i do. I just never used it, that's why you didn't know. I'm actually wondering how Jake came across it ?"

"Yeah Jake, how did you find it ?" I asked, teasing him.

"I'm curious too." Phil said, leaning on his counter.

Jake seemed to think about it before he started. "I may have found your file when you got arrested. It's something i had to read when you asked Judith for help. Even though i didn't actually see anything special, i did see your entire name."

Seems possible. He never talked about that, but he could have found it easily, being a hacker.

"Yeah, it's possible. I told him about your call, he could have done that." But i had a feeling it was more than that. I'll have to tease him later. "Well, we're actually here because of a good new !"

"Oh yeah ?"

"Yes ! Jake is no longer in danger !" I said, screaming in a whisper. There was still a few people here after all.

"I guess i'm happy for you then. You better take care of her man." Phil said, looking at Jake with a serious face. "You're not wanted anymore, you don't have any excuses if she become in danger again, understand ?"

Phil seemed to take the big brother role a bit too much to heart, but it felt nice, having someone care about me.

"I will protect her with my life if needed." Jake simply responded to him.

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