Chapter Forty

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  "Hey ! Look who's finally in my bar ! Took you long enough Judith ! "

"It's always the best one who comes last !"

"Come here, i kept a sit for you like i said." Phil said, patting the bar counter.

"You know that i'm here too ?"

"Yeah, but you already know the Aurora, you're literally my sister. Would be weird if you never came here."

"Don't forget that you two proclaimed that i was your sister too now." I said looking at Phil and Jessy. They both smiled and Phil pushed his hand in my hair, messing them up. "Hey ! Stop that." I tried to push his hand away.

"You can't win against him. Believe me i tried all my childhood and even now."

"Damn. I knew i should have thought about it when i agreed to that."

"You're stuck now. So, something to drink ?"

"Water. I'm never drinking like yesterday again." Jessy told Phil who was laughing at her.

"I always said you couldn't hold your liquor, but who am i to talk ? But fine, and you Judith ?"

"Water too, please."

Phil filled two glasses with water from the fridge behind him and handed them to us. I thank him and sipped slowly the cold water.

"So, Jessy told me you finally found your lover ?"

I nearly choked when i heard him. He was smirking proudly, his cheek resting against his hand.

"Yes i did, thank you very much."

"So what now ? Are you going to leave ?"

"Phil ! Why would she go ? She just found Jake."

Maybe it was time to say it.

"Actually... I was thinking of looking for an apartment. Here, in Duskwood."

"Wait, really ?! That would be amazing Judith !"

"Have to agree with Jessy there. You're one of us now." Phil was right. I felt better here than i ever felt where i was living away.

"I looked around already to be honest. I can't exactly stay forever with you Jessy, and i can't live with Jake either. At least not for now." We just got together, if it was the real word to describe our relationship. We never put a word on it, we just... love each other and decided to stay together.

"It doesn't bother me. I like having company."

"I know, but i can't live forever with you. I think i'd like to move here. Plus, i would be close to all of my friends and family." I winked at them, making them smile. I liked to think about them being my family. Family isn't always by blood.

"Did you talk to Jake about it ?"

"No. I plan on it, but i had more important matter right now."

"Oh yeah. Can we talk to Phil about it ?" Jessy asked, giving Phil her empty glass so he could wash it. My water was long gone too.

"Well..." I looked around myself to see a few customers. It wouldn't be prudent to talk about that here. "Would it be okay if i text you later Phil ?"

"Sure ?"

"It's just... not something i can say in the open world. The group knows, but we were at Jessy when we talked about it. I can't tell you here. Too much people." I whispered to him. He seemed to understand and nodded his head.

My phone rang the moment Phil had to serve a man that was asking for a drink. I watch him leave to prepare the man's order before pulling out my phone.

"Who is it ?" Jessy asked, leaning a bit on my shoulder. She could probably see my screen too now.

"It's Jake." A giggle left my lips, because he was being jealous again.

Should i come great Phil ?

"Wait, how does he know where you are ?"

"Jessy. Do you really think Jake wouldn't know where i am ?"

"Doesn't it bother you ?" She had every right to ask, not everyone would understand or accept that.

Typing my fingers on my screen to answer Jake, i replied. "Not really. I think i got used to it after so long. Plus, if i'm being honest, it's kind of reassuring ? If i were to have trouble, he would be the first to know and alert everyone."

There's too many people here, i'll tell him you said hi :)

"Is he still jealous ?" Jessy asked, laughing. She understood quite fast that Jake had always been a bit jealous of Phil.

"Who's jealous ?"

"Jake said hi to you, Phil." I only said, laughing when he raised his eyebrow.

"Is it him, the jealous person ?"

I nodded, looking at what he replied.

Please don't.

Too late :p I told you, he's taking the brother side of my life, don't you worry your pretty head over that.

I'm not worried. It seems that i need time to process this information, but i'm not worried Jude.

Hey ! Stop calling me Jude out of nowhere ! You did that yesterday too.

"Is he teasing you ?" Phil asked, smirk on his face. He seem to always smirk now that i could see him in real life.

"Shut up." I grumbled

You get to tease me but i don't ?

I was about to reply to him when i saw somebody else texting me. I bit my lip and frowned at my phone. I didn't really want to open it now, but i couldn't exactly wait that much longer too.

"What ? Something happened ?" Jessy finally ask when i wasn't answering anymore to them too.

"He texted me."

"He ?"

I look up to them, tightening my hand on my phone. I was anxious once again.

"Alan." I whispered.

They both looked at me without saying anything. I look back down on my phone and replied to Jake.

Alan is texting me.

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