Chapter Nineteen

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Still clutching the piece of clothe to my chest, i let my head fall on my knees. I can't believe i actually found something there. After i found the clothe, i looked around but there was nothing more so i came back to Jessy's apartment. Which i never told Jessy i was back, if i don't do that, she'll worry and send someone there.

Hey, i'm home. No need to send someone at my rescue.

She answered right away, like she had expected my text. She probably did.

Okay ! I'm glad you're back. Do you want to come with us ? We're still at the Rainbow Cafe.

No, but thank you for asking.

Objectively, i was glad i had found what i did. But still, i couldn't help but to be worried about Jake. The piece didn't looked like it was burnt, more like ripped. But it still smelt like smoke. And if it smelt like it, it means that he was close enough from it when the fire started. I knew now that he was probably alive, somewhere. But still, i was worried.

I ignored my phone when he made a sound to signal me that someone had messaged me. It was probably still Jessy.

I miss Jake sending me texts. I miss him sending me his stupid little smiley. They always made me smile, seeing that he used the old fashion ones. I always imagined him smiling at his computer screen. Even if it was for a short time.

I must have been lost in thoughts for a long time because as i was laying on my side on my bed, clothe still tight in hand, i heard the front door open and a bunch of voices. Sitting up, i listened.

I couldn't make out what they were saying, because the bedroom door was closed, but i could tell that it was the group. I would recognize Dan's loud voice everywhere.

Seconds later, there was a knock on the door. "Judith ?"

"I'm coming, you can go back downstairs Jessy."


I heard her leave and walk down the stairs. Sighing, i stood up, keeping the piece of clothe with me, putting it inside my front pocket on my sweatshirt.

When i stopped at the end of the stairs, i could see Lilly, Thomas and Hannah on the couch. The rest was probably in the kitchen. They turned around when they heard me.

"Hey. It's good to see you out of the hospital Hannah." I smiled at her, walking to where they were sitting on the couch. "How are you ?"

She stood up and hugged me. I hugged her back. "I'm good. And you ? You look really tired, Are you taking care of yourself ?"

"Don't worry about it, i'm good." I tried to smile more. But It didn't sound or looked really convincing.

"Wrong, i know that you work late."

I turned to look at Jessy who was bringing drinks on a tray. Dan following her with one too, Cleo bringing a cake she had probably made sometimes today or yesterday.

"Well, if i don't look around for clues, i'll never move forward." I smirked, sitting down on the carpet. We did that sometimes with Jessy, it was comfortable to watch a movie and eat pop-corn, somehow.

"Yes but you can't find anything if you're not taking care of yourself."

"Maybe we shouldn't talk about myself. Hannah just got out, let's celebrate."

"I don't mind talking about you Judith." She smiled.

I minded.

"Jessy told us you went in the forest alone. That wasn't smart Sherlock."

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