Chapter Two

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   "Miss Tolis ? Miss Tolis do you hear me ? "

I could feel hands on me, still on my shoulders, but i couldn't care less. I didn't respond to him either. I was staring at nothing in particular, without blinking.

I heard him sigh before he let his hands fall from my shoulders to by forearms. "Alright, i think you are going into some sort of shock. Your body is shutting down by itself. Let's get you to sit."

He probably lead me to one of the chairs near us, sitting me down before pulling the other chair closer to me and taking the spot here.

"Agent Still, bring me a blanket. And a hot pack."

"Yes sir."

Footsteps were heard before going completely silent in my mind. How did that happen ? What am i supposed to do now ? Where will i go ? How will i do without Jake ?

"What will i do now..." I hadn't thought i was talking out loud when i did.

"Who was there Miss Tolis ? Besides young Hannah ?" He thanked his man who had returned with the clothe before wrapping the blanket around me and giving me the hot pack between my hands. It was still dark and chilly outside.

I looked at him, or not really, letting my head fall on one side. "Are you not supposed to be worried about Hannah ? She was your case after all."

"Was she ? You solved it faster than we would have. And, you still own me an explanation."

"Does it matter now ? Hannah is here and everything else is lost. Why does it matter anymore ?" I whispered for myself, burrowing my wet face in the blanket.

"Do you need me to call someone ?"

I was tempt to say ‹ who you gonna call ›, but it immediately brought back tears to me as i thought about our joke with Jake. Who was there to call anyway ? The group couldn't come here, their cars were not working because of the tires.

"There's no one."

"What about your group of friends. I know you weren't operating alone."

For a second, i thought he would bring back Jake, but he didn't.

"Just... Go to Hannah. Leave me alone. "

He hummed before standing up, and at first, i thought he had finally left me alone. But he quickly came back not two minutes later, two mugs in his hands. He put one in front of me, on the table, keeping his in hands. "Do not worry about her. She is being examined as we speak. After all, she was missing for a few weeks."

"There's no one to call. I told you that already !" I know i shouldn't be screaming at him, he was still a police officer, but i was so sad and angry.

"Where are the other ?" Was he really interrogating me right now ?

"Can you really ask me questions outside a police station ? More so when i have nothing to do with the current situation ?"

He swallowed a sip of the coffee he had taken before looking at me once again. "Well, it's not an interrogation. I had in mind to call someone from them to retrieve you. I cannot let you go without supervision. After all, you were in shook not a minute ago."

I breathed in before answering. "They don't know i'm here. And they're not in town."

What am i going to say to them ? I will be the one to say that Richy was in the fire. Hannah will be escorted to the hospital and then certainly interrogated. I will probably be able to be left outside of that because i wasn't technically there when it happened, so i'm not a suspect or a witness. The more they could do, would be what Alan is already doing. Asking irrelevant questions.

"How did you came here then ? You're not from here, i know that."

"I came with my motorcycle. Four hours from here."

"That's impressive. For someone not from here, to find this place so easily." He looked me up and down before sipping another sip.

" What ? You don't believe me ? She's by the wood, probably on the ground. You can find your way with a stupid map if you want to, you know. Plus... the smoke gave it away. " I turned my face to the side, feeling tears come back again.

"Alright. You're coming with me to the station. Someone will escort your motorcycle there. It would be irresponsible of me to let you go in such a state." He said, looking beside him where a guy was coming.

" What, you never saw a full grown woman cry ? "

The fire-worker looked at me with a weird gaze before turning back to Alan. He didn't respond to me, instead started talking with Alan about what they were doing.

 "The fire is under control. But no one can enter the mine anymore for the moment. Even without fire, a simple burst of wind can cause it to restart. I would suggest that you wait tomorrow at minimum."

"Thank you for your work. I will let you talk to the other then. As you can see, i am busy with something else."

Busy with something else, being : me ! What a way to talk to a lady.

I looked around me, letting my mind focus on the ash and remaining smoke that i could see from where i was. The idea that Jake could be under all that. That he could be... dead. I couldn't stand that. He HAD to be alive. Somehow.

"Miss Tolis ?"

"Just call me Judith. It's weird when you call me by my last name."

"Alright then, Judith, are you ready to go ?" He pulled a jacket on him, taking a pair of keys between his fingers.

"I guess... Who will be taking care of my bike ?" I stood up, nearly tripping on my own foot. Alan quickly grabbed my arm to settle me.

"Careful. One of my man will."

"Alright. Let's go then. I don't want to be there anymore." I turned to let the blanket fall on the chair i was sat on for a couple of minutes and let the hot pack that wasn't hot anymore before following Alan to his car.

I couldn't see Hannah anymore and one of the firetrucks was close. She was probably there being treated. She would be okay.

I would not be.

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