Chapter thirty three

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"Sooo, how are we going to do this ?"

I came here with my bike. Jake came here with his car. We could technically go to the wasteland by ourselves, with our own vehicles. But, well, if i was being honest, i kind of wanted to spend as much time as possible with Jake.

"I could propose you to drive behind you until Jessica's apartment and than pick you in my car, if you want ?"

"But you would be seen. I didn't tell the others about you."

"I wouldn't be seen. Jessica knows that you're meeting Bloomgate ?"

"Yes ? What's the point ?"

"My car has tinted windows, she won't see me. And if she do see my car, you can tell that it was Alan who was driving."

I looked at him for a few seconds before nodding my head. It was the best solution, i think.

"I do know how to ride a bike too. But, well, i'm already a wanted hacker. And we're meeting with a police chief. I should probably restrain myself from breaking the law by riding without the correct attire and without a helmet."

"Wait, wait, back up a bit for me. You can ride a bike ?" I ask, completely astonished. When was he going to tell me that ?!

"Yes ? Was i supposed to tell you that before today ?" He genuinely ask me.

"Of course ?? That's like, super hot ?"

Jake suddenly blushed. Like, really, blush. I giggled, covering my mouth with my hand. I knew he could blush easily but that's another thing.

"Well, i will remember to tell you things like this in the future. Shall we go now ?"

I quickly realized that Jake was the same in real life and in text. Only difference is that, he couldn't disconnect himself from life, like he does when he text me. But if he could ? He totally would do that. I'm a hundred percent sure about this fact.

"Sure. I'll go first. For security, you can wait a bit farther from the apartment if you want ?"

"Of course. I'll go once you're gone then. Do not worry, i know the address."

"I wasn't worried about it, i know you do."

I smiled at him before picking up my helmet. One last look and i closed my visor. Waving at him, i started my bike and left.

I stopped again at Jessy's apartment, quickly hearing the motor of a car not that far behind me. I simply left my helmet at the door, hoping it would not be stolen. I looked back at Jake's car and walk to there. The door opened itself from the inside.

"Thank you." I giggle, quickly taking place inside.

"You're welcome. Shall we go ?"

"Let's go."

He moved the handbrake and started driving away. I silently pulled out my phone and send a text to Jessy to tell her that i had left my bike at home and not to worry.

"Who are you texting ?"

"Hum ?" I turn around to Jake who was focused on the road, one hand on the steering wheel, the other on the gear lever. "I send a text to Jessy so she doesn't send a search party for me when she sees my bike outside."

"Ah, right. You are close to Jessica."

"Call her Jessy. She will end you if you keep calling her by her full name." I laughed and shook my head.

"I call everyone by their names. I guess i will have to start calling her that then."

"It's not like everyone has a nickname. You'll be fine with just Jessy."

He looked at me for a second before talking with a smirk. It's then that i realize he doesn't have his mask on. "Do you have a nickname ? I never really thought about it before."

"Well, it's not like i talk with many people outside you and the group. But back then i liked being call Jude."

"Would you like me to call you Jude ?"

Being call that by him, made my stomach flutter. I didn't know it would do this to myself when i told him that. I liked it.

"If you want. I'm also fine with Judith, don't worry." I smile to him. He simply nodded his head, smiling too.

He was quiet for a minute or two. But then he started to talk about something i never thought he would willingly talk.

"How's Phil ? Jessic- Jessy must have been happy to see him again."

"He's good. I actually saw him yesterday."

His lips thinned in a line before he silently sighed. I liked to annoy people. Because i knew he was jealous, even if he said that he's not.

"That's great."

"Jake. I have to confess something." I shouldn't say it like that, because it could be seen as me wanting to say something bad, but it was kind of funny too. "It's about Phil."

I had to stop myself from laughing when he just nodded his head in silence.

"Well, you see, we talked yesterday. And, i learned something important."

"Which is ?"

"He actually sees me as another younger sister." I straight up said, keeping myself from laughing.

"What ?" He suddenly stopped the car and parked on the side.

I couldn't help myself and start laughing. That was just too funny. "Y-yes ! Oh my god, this is hilarious."

"Are you laughing at me ?"

"I would never. You're just so cute when you're jealous. And don't tell me you're not ! You literally stopped the car when i told you that !"

"Does he really thinks about you like this ?"

"Yep. Apparently it was fun to annoy me with the fake flirting." I said, putting invisible quotes marks.

"More like annoy the universe." Jake said in a whisper that i definitely heard.

"You really are jealous ! You don't have to, i only have my eyes on one hacker."

"Good." He then stayed silent, tightening his hand on the steering wheel and starting the car again.

His cheeks were pink again.

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