Chapter Sixty One

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  Jake had spent the night here, at Jessy's apartment. Which was a disaster. Or maybe not. I never noticed but Jessy is really, really curious about a lot of things. So when she asked if she could ask some questions to Jake, we never thought it would take a good part of the night. I knew Jake was able to pull all nighters easy enough. But even him seemed tired at the end of the day. Of course, we still spent a good night laughing mostly, but now i was tired.

"Are you sure you slept at all ?" Jessy asked, brushing her hair.

"I did. Just not enough. Someone seemed really entertained in asking questions last night. Wonder who that could be." I responded to her, hearing her giggled.

"Sorry, i wanted to know Jake better. Now that i asked my questions i can give you my consent to dating him."

"Not that i needed consent from my little sister by alliance." I said, smirking behind my cup of coffee.

"By the way, where is he ?" She sat down at the kitchen table, putting her hairbrush on it.

"He got to his apartment to change clothes. He should be back in a few. Enough for us to tidy ourselves a bit." I said to her. "We'll go see the group after that. Or you can go in advance if you want to ? You're already clothed."

"I can wait, he wouldn't take forever, i think ? Were does he lives anyway ? I never saw him here and i've been here for a long time."

"Hm, he lives about thirty, thirty five minutes from here. It's an apartment at one of the border of Duskwood, a bit further away from anything really. Which was good enough so he could stay low."

"Are you going to stay with him ?" She asked me.

I didn't answer right away. Because things were still unsure. "We're going to try and see what happens. I do think that things are going to work out just fine, but then again, it's the first time that i'm in a serious relationship." I finally said.

"I'm sure everything is going to be alright !" She said, smiling. "You two are amazing. The way you complete each other is kind of intimidating to be honest."

"Intimidating ?"

"Yeah, you and Jake makes a perfect couple. You two are good for each other. Like pieces of a puzzle ? It makes everyone believe in perfect relationship. It's cute." Jessy said, taking her cup of juice.

"Maybe we were meant to be together then." I winked at her while she giggled.


We talked a bit more after that before Jake finally arrived nearly fifteen minutes later. He had changed his clothes like he said, wearing now a black cargo pants with boots and a white shirt with some inscriptions on it. I liked this side of Jake. It was nice to see him wear what he wanted and not only sweatpants and sweatshirt for camouflage.

Seeing as it was nearly time for us to met the group, we left all together in Jake's car which Jessy seemed to like. She asked a few questions on what type of car it was and stuff i didn't really understand more than that. I didn't know, but she apparently liked cars. And thinking about it now, it wasn't that surprising, she did worked around cars a lot before, even if she was just doing the papers and such.

When we stopped near the park, we couldn't see the group but a message from Hannah informed us that they had found a spot near the small lake. We walked to there, Jessy besides me and Jake hand in hand with me. We quickly found them, Cleo waiving at us when she saw us walking to them.

"Hey guys !" I said, talking loud enough for them to hear me because we weren't near enough already.

We quickly saw Hannah and Lilly's faces change. Their eyes widened and they both stood up.

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