Chapter Twenty Eight

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"I really don't want to but i think i need to go back to Jessy's apartment." I finally say after cuddling Jake's hand for a long time.

"How come you are staying with her ?" Jake asked, playing with my fingers.

"When i came here, she asked me to stay with her because she was worried about my well being."

"Why ?"

"Let's just say i wasn't really happy when i lost Richy and thought i had lost you too. I guess she was scared i would do something drastic. I wasn't going to, obviously. And i needed a place to stay. So i stayed with her." I finally said. Not that i minded staying with her.

"Hm. I would propose to bring you back there but i suppose you came with your car ?"

"Yeah. I couldn't exactly come here by foot. Kinda far away for that." I joked, making him smile. "And i told no one that i was going somewhere in the middle of the night. If she sees that i'm not home, she'll grow suspicious."

"I see. As much as i do not want to leave your side, i also want you to not be killed by her because she discovered that you lied to her." Jake took my hand between both of his, kissing the top of my knuckles. It was weirdly cute. I felt like i was with a charming prince.

"I love you." I suddenly blurted out, rapidly putting a hand over my mouth.

But Jake just laugh. Damn, he was beautiful when he laughed.

"Well, i love you too." He looked at me before bending down to kiss my forehead.

"I'll walk you to your car if it's okay with you."

"Is it safe for you ?" I ask him. Because i didn't want him to put himself in more danger than he should.

"It should be. I'll just pull my hood up and keep my balaclava in hand should i need it again. Sorry for that by the way. It was for safety."

"It's alright, i understood when i saw you under it."

He nodded his head before retrieving the piece of clothe from the dashboard. He looked at me one last time before opening the door and getting out. Once we were both out of the car, he closed the door again and extended his hand to me. I quickly grabbed it.

"I never thought i would love to have somebody else's hand between mine." Jake looked at our hands, nearly mesmerized. I guess it would do that to anybody if you kept on being alone for so long because you want to protect other.

"I"m glad you like it then. I like it too." I tilt my head to answer him with a smile. "Can i ask you something ?"

"Of course."

"Would it be possible to say to the group that i found you ? Or would that be too much trouble ?"

Jake stopped walking, stopping myself from it too. He seemed to think about it for some times before talking.

"Well, it wouldn't be that much trouble as they do know me already. Them knowing again wouldn't change anything per say."

"But would it bother you ? I have the feeling that if i do say that i found you, they will want to meet you like i met you."

"Hm. Judith, if i do make a deal with Bloomgate, i will have to leave my safe spot. So if you choose to tell them that you found me, i would not be against it more then that."

"I wanted to keep you all for myself but looks like i will have to share you now." I bumped my shoulder against his side, making sure to not put pressure on it in case it was his injured arm.

"You could also choose to not say anything." He smirked.

"Tempting. But i'll probably tell them. Most importantly, tell Hannah and Lilly."

We were now in front of my car. The walk back had been much better than when i arrived. I felt safe with Jake.

"Does Hannah know about me now ?"

"Lilly told her, yes. She took it way better then we thought. She can't wait to meet her brother."

I smile at him, looking as his face looked to be lightening up. I could understand how he felt. He would finally be able to see his sisters for the first time. It was kind of important. And he must have been scared to lose Hannah when she had been kidnapped.

When we reached my car, i slowly turn to look at Jake. "Looks like it's time for us to part away." I smiled sadly.

"Looks like it. I was happy to meet you Judith. I hope we can see each other again soon."

"We'll see each other soon. I'll made sure of it, even if i have to look after you again."

"I'll try to not disappear on you again, do not worry" He raised a hand to my cheek once again. "Can i kiss you ?"

"Of course."

I closed my eyes when i saw him bend down to put his lips on mine. The kiss was soft and slow and it never involved anything more than lips, but it felt as amazing. I could feel all of his love in just this small touch. He quietly pulled back, keeping his forehead against mine, looking in my eyes.

"When i told you i was at your mercy, i wasn't joking." He whispered, making my body shiver.

"I would lie if i told you i didn't like that a bit." I whispered back to him, kissing him for a second. "I like to know that you are no longer repressing your feelings."

"I simply cannot. You bring the best out of me. I find loving you an easy task. Everything about you seems lovable." He stroked my cheeks with his now gloved fingers, placing a small kiss on my forehead.

"I do have some flaws you know ?" I laughed lightly because he wouldn't stop putting small kisses on my skin.

"It doesn't matter."

It was funny because he reminded me of a child for the first time since i met him. He was always so focus and hard on himself, that it was a good change, seeing him be like this.

"I should really go. It's past five in the morning. And i have two hours of driving." I took his hand, pressing it one time before fishing my keys from my jacket.

"I know. Could you do me one last favor when you come home, after you took some rest ?"

"Sure, what is it ?"

"I want you to try and contact Alan Bloomgate and see how he react to you if you propose him the deal."

"Hm. Should i mention you ?"

"You do not have to do that now. Just by mentioning the government, he will know you are talking about me."

"Alright. We're on relatively good terms. He should answer my call. Or i can meet him somewhere."

"Meet him. I can't say for sure that you are safe from them. You should be because Nym-0s is still active but we're never too careful." Jake finally said directly after i spoke.

"Alright, i'll do that."

"And please, take some rest Judith. You know that i am here now, you can rest. I'm not going anywhere."

I didn't say anything and simply took him in my arms. He smelt like mint and trees, which wasn't a bad scent. And it was kind of expected, if he had to stayed for some time in the wood, or somewhere near that.

"I will, i promise."


"Well." I pulled back from his arms. "We'll see each other ?"

"Of course. In the meantime, i will try to find a way for me to text with you again."

"That would be amazing. I miss your text."

We hugged and kissed one last time before Jake opened my door for me, watching as i attached my seat belt. I waved at him and started the car. I could see him still watching me from afar in my wing mirror.

I never felt this happy than this moment. I found him. Finally.

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