Chapter Fifty One

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  "We're here." Adrian said, taking a turn and entering some sort of building with his car. In what looked like to be an underground and hided parking lot. He quickly parked somewhere and stopped the motor. I didn't say anything and simply stepped outside of the car.

"Alan is still here." It wasn't really a question. I recognized his car from where i was.

"Yes. He was told to wait until your arrival." He said, with his nearly robotic voice. Is that why Jake was talking like that ? Well, it wasn't that pronounce anymore but sometimes he would still talk like that too.

I nodded my head and followed him. He entered by a door on the side, holding the door open for me. I stepped inside a long white corridor with absolutely no doors. Adrian suddenly took a turn in another corridor with this time a few doors. Once in front the third one, he stopped and turned around to look at me.

"I am not supposed to enter as the meeting is private right now. You will be in company of Chief Alan Bloomgate and my superior, Marc Levoy."

"Nobody else ?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No." He said before turning back to the door and knocking. I was surprised that i didn't have to pass a security gate of some sort to see if i didn't have anything harmful with me. But then again, they also probably want to keep this as private as possible. For now at least. That means Alan probably turned off his phone by choice.

"Enter." The voice was deep. That wasn't Alan. Probably this Marc Levoy.

Adrian opened the door and stepped to the side. "Miss Judith Anna Tolis has arrived sir." Wow, so formal. Should i be that formal too ?

"Good. You can leave now Adrian. Please, take a sit Miss Tolis." The man said, standing up and extending his hand to show a blue chair.

I didn't say anything and simply walked inside the room, hearing Adrian close the door behind me. The room wasn't that big. It has a relatively big round table with a set of blue chairs all around it. Alan was sitting on one of them. Surprisingly, or not really considering the place we were at, he was wearing a costume. Well, a dress shirt and a pair of black trousers. He had stood up too.

I nodded my head to him, looking at him. He was tall, taller than Alan, and had black hair. He looked like to be in his fifty ? Maybe ? I don't know. I sat on the chair in front of Alan, greeting him with a movement of the head. He did the same and sat down again, followed by Marc.

"Thank you for coming Miss Tolis. I apologize for not warning you before that. I wasn't aware of your involvement in this story until now." He said, crossing his hands on the table.

"It's alright. Admittedly it wasn't the best idea to post a guy in front of the door of my roommate. But i accept your apologize." I said, looking at him. "I think Chief Bloomgate must have mention me then ?" I turned to look at him for a second.

"Ah, yes, he did."

"Did he show you the proofs ?" I asked directly. Because i wasn't here to ruin my time.

"He did. Videos and pictures were showed." He said, pointing at the end of the table where a laptop was resting. I didn't saw it at first.

"That's a start. Why am i needed then ?" Because as much as i wanted to help, i didn't really know why i was here.

"I believe you know someone called Jake ?"

I tried to be as impassible as i could and stayed silent. Just watching them. Did Alan talked about him ?

"Let me explain. I had an employee called Jake who worked here for four years. One day to another, he vanished. He supposedly tempered with some of our system to blackmail. It has been years since we last saw him in person."

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