Chapter Forty Five

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"I didn't... think about that."

We had an issue.

"Well, it's not like it bother me, but does it bother you ?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"No. I'll see what i have. I should have something long enough." Jake said, going to his bedroom.

As i hadn't plan to sleep here, i didn't have anything to sleep with. Jake hadn't thought about it too, apparently. I wasn't against the idea of wearing a shirt of his, and he didn't seem to mind either. He won't do anything to me after all.

I stayed near the bathroom door, arms crossed, waiting for him to come back with something. A few minutes later, he came back, holding a black shirt that he unfolded in front of him.

"Would that be alright ? It's the longer and bigger one i have." Jake asked, a bit shy.

"It'll be alright, don't worry. It's warm enough, i won't be cold." I said, taking the shirt in my hands. "I'll be back in a minute."

"Take your time, join me in my room if you want. I'll be on my computer."

I nodded my head and watch him leave to his bedroom, hand in his hair. I smiled to myself, going inside the bathroom. Once i had the shirt on myself, i could see that in reality two of me could easily fit inside of it. The shirt was like a dress on me, large and comfy, the fabric felt soft on my skin. Bringing the collar of the shirt to my noise, i could smell the comforting scent of Jake. Smiling and letting the piece of clothe fall on my chest, i opened the bathroom and left it.

The door of Jake's bedroom was open but i still knocked on it, bringing his attention back to earth. Like he had said, he was on his computer.

" ?" He stuttered, looking at me. "Oh thank god, it's long enough." He sighed, rubbing his eyes, his cheeks a bit pink.

"Why ? Would it had bothered you ?"

"No. I just thought it would be more comfortable for you if it was long."

I turned around myself, making the shirt twirl a bit. "I like it, it's comfortable, yes."

"You can come here if you want." Jake said, patting the spot next to him. I quickly walked to him, sitting down.

Letting my face fall on his shoulder, i simply watch what he was doing. I couldn't understand it, but it probably had something to do with Nym-0s because i could see the logo on one side of the screen.

"I'm updating your protection on Nym-0s. You shouldn't really need it that much anymore but we have to keep in mind that we're dealing with the government." Jake explained, typing rapidly on his keyboard without even looking at the letters. I could do it too but not that fast.

"Hm, you designed Nym-0s, right ?"

"Yes. When i first had to go into hiding after Lilly's video, a bit before that i made it so i could protect you if i ever needed too. It came in handy."

"It really did. I never understood how they found me. And how they understood i was close to you." I said, looking at his face.

He bit his lip before answering. "That could have been my fault. I could have been careless when they were looking for me and forgotten some details about our conversations or something of the sort. I am sorry about that if it was really my fault." He said, looking at me while closing his computer.

"No, don't apologize. I don't expect you to remember every little things. You didn't do anything wrong don't worry." I said, stroking his hand that was on the bed now.

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