Chapter Forty Four

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"Would you like something to eat ?" Jake asked as i was tying my hair in a ponytail.

"Hm, sure ?"

"You doesn't seem certain." Jake asked, looking at me.

"Oh, i had breakfast so i'm not that hungry. But i'll eat if you cook something or order something."

"Are you not feeling good ?"

"Ah." He's not aware of my situation, that's right. "I never told you that's right. I don't eat as much as everyone. It can happen but it's rare."

"Do you have an illness ?"

"Used to. I had bulimia and then anorexia. But don't worry !" I could see that he was now looking at me with worry. "I'm so much better now ! I just eat a bit less sometimes, that's all. No need to worry."

"You promise ?" He asked, walking a bit closer to me. His fingers stroked my cheek.

I smile to him. "I promise. It's been some time since i started recovering. I'm all good now. Now, what should we do ?" I placed a small kiss to his lips, smiling at him once more.

"Should we order ? I don't think i have enough to make a full meal here, sorry."

"I'm good with takeovers." I said to him.

"Good, Chinese ?" He said, pulling his phone our of his pocket, with a smirk.

"Sounds good." I answered, smirking too.

He typed a few minutes on his phone before putting it down. He then sat down next to me again, taking his computer back on his knees. I didn't mind that he was using it while i was there.

"Can i ask you something ?"

"Hm ? Yes you can." He responded, without really looking at me.

"How did you became a hacker ? I mean, i tried doing stuff but it was really complicated in reality. I don't know how you're so good at that. Well, obviously you had years and years to understand all of this, but still."

"You're going to laugh."

Huh ? I focused on him and saw that his cheeks were starting to have a pinkish tint.

"Why ? Was it because of something dumb ?" I ask, giggling a bit.

"Something like that..."

"Now i want to know even more ! Come one, i'll tell you a secret too if you want ?"

He stopped typing and looked at me. For a few moment he seemed to consider my deal before nodding his head, closing his computer and putting it on the table.

"You can't laugh."

"I promise." I said, putting a hand up.

"I... actually started when i was thirteen. There was this game that i wanted but well, it was expensive and at this age i didn't have any income. And i really wanted this game. So i learned how to hack a server for like two month and download the full game on my PC once i understood how."

"Pff !" I pushed my hand to my mouth to muffle any sound that would come.

"You said you wouldn't laugh Judith !" Jake had his cheeks pink now.

"I'm sorry !" I said, letting a laugh out of my mouth. "But really, thinking that the most wanted hacker started his career by hacking a video game he wanted at thirteen ? It's just funny, i'm sorry !"

"Jude !"

"Okay, okay, i'm stopping, i swear !" I said, brushing my hand under my eyes. I shook my head and stroked his warm cheek before kissing him softly. "You're cute. I promise to take this information to my grave."

"Thank you very much for this confirmation." Jake said, shaking his head. "But i do have the feeling that i should not have said that."

"No ! I promise i won't tell anyone."

I was going to say something more to tease him when my phone made a noise. Jake looked at the table where i had left it. Humming sadly because i couldn't tease him now, i took my phone.

"Who is it ?"

"Jessy. I forgot to tell her i would be spending the day and night with you. Wait a sec." I saw him nodded while i was writing to her.

When are you coming back ? Lilly wanted to hang out :(

I'm so sorry ! I'll have to decline :( I'm spending the day (and night) with Jake :)

What ??! And you didn't tell me before because ?

I was... occupied.

Occupied ?

Don't tell me that...!

I let out a choked noise, quickly feeling my face heat up. I tapped furiously on my screen to answer her.

No ! Absolutely not ! We were cuddling a bit ! That's all !!!

"What's happening ?" Jake asked, bending a bit to see where my phone was situated in my hands. I quickly slapped my phone against my chest so he wouldn't see.

"Nothing ! Jessy's being silly." I only said.

"Silly ? Your face is red Judith." He smirked, leaning back against the couch.

"Stop !" I said, looking back at my phone that was vibrating in my hands.

Don't forget to use protection !

Jessy ! Nothing happened and nothing is going to happen ! I'm putting my phone away now ! See you tomorrow !

I rapidly locked my phone and put it again on the table in front of me, screen against the table. I turned around to look at Jake who was still smirking.

"Don't you dare look at our conversation later !" I said, pointing my finger against his chest. "I'll tell them for your first mission as a thirteen years old boy if you do !"

"Alright, i won't." He said, still smiling. I wasn't sure if he would keep his promise, but i knew that even if i deleted my conversation with Jessy, he would be able to find the texts again. It was a lost cause.

"Good. Now, what were you doing on your computer ?"

"Nothing important. I was putting away the clues from Hannah's research. We won't need it anymore, i think."

I nodded. "You're right. Are you happy that we found her ?" Of course he was, but we never really talked about it.

"I really am. Admittedly, i didn't get much time to see her or talk with her, and i supposed that she also need time to really process all the things that she found. But i'm happy that we were able to find her."

"Maybe you should invite her or text her ? I'm not telling you to do it, but you could. I think she would like that a lot. You two, three with Lilly actually, have a lot of things to really talk about." I said, stroking his hand lightly. I liked them.

"I will. I actually planed to text Hannah. But now that we're working with Alan for the time being, i prefer to wait after all of this is in the clear to start something. Not that i think it would be more dangerous, but i also preferred to take one thing at a time."

"Understandable." I said. "She won't mind either way. I can tell her that he you want ?"

"You can bring it up if she ever talk about me, yes." He said.

I nodded my head once again. It's not much longer after that, that the bell rang. I stood up instead of Jake and walked to the door, looking at the peephole.

Good, we can eat now.

It's not the same anymore (Duskwood Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang