Chapter Twenty Seven

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"I have to ask because i'm curious, but, did you go into that cave and that old destroyed building ?" I finally ask after a long moment of hugging.

"Yes. I got into the cave right after the fire. Some debris of the woods had fallen on me and cut my arm. I tried to bandaged my arm with a piece of clothe but i quickly understood that it was not the best idea. How do you know ?"

"I told you that initially i didn't understand how tracking worked, so before finding the phone i had to look around by myself first. Well, with the group too, they helped me some."

"They did ?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Yep, even Dan. Oh and Phil got out of jail by the way."

I saw him frown for a second, making me laugh.

"Don't worry, i'm still not interested by him in any ways."

"I am thankful for that." He said, smirking a bit.

I shook my head while smiling. "So, what was i saying ? Right, i had to look around. I first did some research at the Ironsplinter mine. That's were i found a piece of your flashlight by the way." He nodded. "Then the day after i found the cave while walking further away from the mine. The old building was actually the first real lead i believed. I found it by 'tracking' the locations around the area. It's where i found a piece of your sweatshirt, i believe ?"

"Yes, i tried to bandaged my arm with it. I must have been careless and dropped it."

"Well, i found it. Then, well, you know the rest. I tracked the phone, found it with Lilly and looked around the SD card, that was empty apparently." I looked at him as he shuffled his own hair. "Then you send me that location and i came here."

"I'm impressed. You managed to do so much without me. I am grateful that you spend time searching for me."

"Yeah. I wanted to find you."

"You found me."

He quietly moved his hand to my face, stroking it lightly like he was scared that i would break apart when it would never happened in the end. I would never break under his touch.

"Jake..." I whispered. I don't know how much time i will be able to restrain myself.

"Yes Judith ?" His voice was lower than before. It sent shivers down my spine just by hearing him.

"What you said that day... Was it true ?" I knew he understood what i was asking. He was smart.

"It was true. I would never lie to you."

"Can you say it again ? I need to hear you say it. Please." I was getting desperate. I wanted him to seal the fate. I wanted to know for sure.

"Judith. I love you." He said in a whisper.

I couldn't wait any longer. Nor could he, apparently.

I pressed my body closer to his, like i could, and pressed my lips against his. He wasn't surprised, probably having calculate my move. He pressed his hand behind my head, down on my neck, pushing his lips a bit more on mine. The kiss was like heaven.

We kissed like we fell in love so long ago. Like we were two lost souls. But i finally pulled back, taking a choked breath, tears in my eyes.

He looked at me, brushing his thumb under my eye. "Why the tears ?"

"I'm just so happy to see you alive. I can finally feel you. I can touch you and kiss you. We can finally look at each other's eyes. I can finally be taken in your arms. I thought it would never happen and that i would be left alone."

"You weren't alone, you had your friends." He tried to say.

"Yes, but it's not the same. I wanted to feel safe and loved. I wanted you." I finally say. I felt like i could cry for hours. I wouldn't, obviously, but it felt like it.

"I'm here now. I am sorry it took so long. I'm not leaving you again." He pulled me in a small hug. We couldn't hug properly because of us being inside a car, but it was better than nothing.

"What about your pursuers ? They'll come back."

"I... might have an idea for that. But it's risky."

I pulled back.

"No. If it's dangerous, i don't want you to do it. I would much better prefer to be on the run with you all the time then do something where i could lose you again."

"Judith... Just listen. I won't do anything if you do not want me too. I promise."

I sighed before nodding my head. I would lose nothing in at least listening to Jake.

"I told you that when i was working for them, i stumbled on sensitive things that were never meant to see the day." He waited until i nodded my head again to start talking more. "The... things i saw are actually a lot more disturbing than you could think. That's why they are looking after me. They do not want me to make it public."

"Do you still have those information ?" I never asked if he did.

"I do. I did some looking around and noticed that... Alan Bloomgate wasn't actually looking for me."

"I know that. He... Well, he didn't help me find you. But he did talked to me about how he didn't want to put his nose into the FBI's business, so to speak. He also told me that the were looking for you but they had lost your trace." I explained to him.

"Wait, he told you that ?"

"Yes ? Why ?"

"That means i was right. Listen Judith, i looked around his computer when i gained access and all the things he could have about me were just... gone. Now i don't know if he erased them himself or if he just never had anything important on me, but it wasn't normal. I found nothing. The FBI looked for me around the world, they probably contacted all the police chiefs."

"Alan Bloomgate included."

"Yes. So he should at least have a report on me with basic things. Did he say anything else to you ?"

I tried to remember our conversations that we had. Then i remembered something. "The last conversation i had with him was outside of the police station. It was at Richy's funerals. And strangely enough, he seemed to know that the government was not the most caring thing. He said that he knew that the government wasn't all white and that if they were looking for you it was because you probably found something against them."

Jake stayed silent for a short time, just looking at me but he actually seemed to be thinking.

"Then i was right again. Bloomgate can't know that if he didn't look around himself. No one is ever made aware of what is happening between the government's members." He finally said, putting a hand to his chin.

"What was you idea ?"

He looked at me. "Well, if Bloomgate doesn't want me, he will want the government."

"Wait, wait, wait. Do i understand that right ? You want to... associate yourself with Alan ? I thought you didn't want to talk to him ?" Confusion wasn't enough to describe myself.

"You understood right." He smirked. And i liked that look on him, to be honest. "I want to do a deal with him. The government against my liberty."

Would that work ? Would Jake be free if he denounce the government to Alan ?

I looked at him for a few seconds, biting my lip. "Are you sure it's what you want to do ? It could be dangerous."

"And it could be dangerous if i keep running away. It could be dangerous for you too Judith. And i do not want you to be in any kind of danger." He stroked my cheek once again, making me melt under his fingers.

I sigh. "Alright. But you can't deny my help. I want to help you."

"I wasn't thinking of leaving you out of it, do not worry."

He smiled again and i fell in love a bit more. I then agreed to his plan. I would help Jake gain his freedom.

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