Chapter Twenty Three

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"You can go on the couch if you want. I'll go and take my computer from the bedroom." I said to Lilly before going up the stairs. Retrieving it, i got downstairs just as faster.

"Do you want something to drink ?" I asked, putting my computer on the table, opening it.

"No, i'm good thank you".

"Good, let's start." I sat down and picked up my computer on my legs. Lilly was watching me as i pulled out an adapter where i could put the SD card in it and then in my computer. It would have been better if i could have put the phone directly on it, but it wouldn't turn on even after charging it. It was definitely dead.

"I'm a bit nervous." Lilly finally said after a few minutes.

I stopped typing and turned to look at her. "I am too." I smiled lightly. "It's alright to be scared. We don't know if we'll find anything useful or not."

I opened a new tab that allowed me to see the card. A few folders appeared on my screen. Looking around i opened one where i knew there would be data in it. And like i thought, a bunch of numbers and letters appeared.

It was definitely his phone.

"What is it ?" I saw her lean forward a bit to see better.

"Encryption. It's Jake's phone."

"Can you open it further ?"

"Probably not. I'm not that advanced. It's a miracle i understood how to track the phone." I sighed because nothing i was trying worked.

"At least we know that you found the right phone." She bumped my shoulder with hers with a smirk. "Maybe it's not bad, having a brother who's a hacker and a sister-in-law who's that smart. Could come in handy."

"I'm not officially your sister-in-law."

"You'll be. Once we find Jake." Her hand patted lightly my arm.

"Wait. I found something."

A file hadn't been protected. The date was the day of the fire. He probably hadn't had time to put an encryption on it. Opening it, i was just met with a picture of that cave i found early in my investigation.

"Isn't it the cave you found ? The one near the waterfall ?"

"Yeah. I don't know why it's here. There was nothing there. Maybe he did some research on the surroundings. Or he passed by it without staying much." It could be possible. Because he wouldn't stay in there for a long time. He couldn't risk it.

"I don't think we'll find anything else. All the files you opened where protected." Lilly said, sighing.

"I think so too. I'll try to think about it lat-"

I was stopped by the door opening and drawing our eyes to it. Jessy walked through the door.

"Already there ? I thought you would spend the day with Phil ?"

"I could say the same. I thought you would be gone much longer."

I watch her put her purse on the small table in the entrance of the living room.

"Well, Jake trained Judith really good."

"What does that mean ?" Jessy asked, raising her eyebrows. She walked to us, taking the spot next to me.

"Okay, before you get angry, i understood faster than i was thinking. I just had bad leads before."

"I don't understand ?"

"Last night, i stayed up a bit. No ! Don't interrupt me." I put my hands up, to stop her. "I was up until one a.m, nothing more. But in that laps of time, i understood how to track a devise."

"Alright, and ? Don't you think i won't shout at you, i'll do that later. For now i want to know what you're trying to say." Her finger was pointing at me like i was a child being punished.

"When i understood how it was done, i quickly got to work. Ten minutes later, i found a location. Where we went this morning."

"Did you find something ?"

"Like i thought we would, we found a phone. Jake's phone." I said, turning my computer so she could see the encryption that i had opened once again by trying a different file.

"What ? But that's good ?!" Jessy took my hands between hers, moving them up and down.

I tighten mine. "Yes ! That's why Jessy, you have to let me continue. I promise you, i'll take it a bit slower. But you can't stop me. I have to keep going."

"I think Jessy just doesn't want you to be hurt. We understand that you want to find Jake, i want that too, but you'll be of no help if your body can't take it anymore."

"I know. For a day or two i'll stay at home alright ? No trip to the forest. I'll just work on my computer. Does that work for you two ?"

Lilly looked at Jessy who was already looking at her. They both nodded to each other before doing the same to me.

"Well, that being said, should i make lunch ? Do you want to stay Lilly ?"

"Sure, if Jessy wants to."

"Of course. We'll pick a movie to watch. We can eat here for one time."

I stood up and got into the kitchen while Jessy and Lilly decided a movie to watch. Opening the fridge, i got out the chicken cutlets we had brought. Some asparagus and cheese sauce later, i was already turning on the stove, putting a bit of butter on the pan.

Thirty minutes later, some seasoned chicken cutlets with a side of asparagus and a drop of cheese sauce, were on three plates. I took one with me and walked to the living room.

"Here are your plates ladies. Enjoy your meal." I smiled when i saw them looking at the plates with stars in their eyes.

"I never knew you could cook ! It smells fantastic Judith, thank you."

"You're welcome Lilly. Now eat before it goes cold." I turned around to go and fetch my plate before returning and taking my spot in the middle of them.

"Judith, if you weren't in love with my brother, i would marry you." Lilly said, nearly melting in the couch.

"Is is that good ?" I giggled, taking a tiny piece of chicken in my mouth. I was surprised, because it really was good. Not that i didn't know i could cook, but still.

And for a little bit, we laughed and ate like nothing mattered. It was for a short time, but i welcomed the feeling of warmth that would only stay for a few hours.

Because even if everybody knew and nobody talked about it, tomorrow would be Richy's funerals.

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