Chapter Fifty Nine

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  Hello, it's been a little while. I had some really bad anxiety and some issue with my cat, still do, so i wasn't feeling good enough to write and update, sorry. Also, the story is nearly done, just four more chapters :)

Well, enjoy the chapter for now !


"I can't believe it !" I said once we were outside. "You're free ! You're finally free !" I grabbed his hands, jumping up and down like a little girl. "I'm so happy !"

Jake was smiling at me, laughing a bit. "I am quite pleased with the outcome of this meeting too. It feels good to be outside without any cover."

It was right, he hadn't put back his face mask. It must have been an eternity since he was able to just do that. I smiled again and took him in my arms.

"We have to tell the other too ! Should i call Alan too ?" I asked him.

"Go ahead, after all, he did help us. If not for him, i wouldn't have been able to give them the information." He nodded his head.

"Better yet, we should go and see him at the police station." I said, giggling. There was a chance that he would be pissed when he would see me.

"You really do like to annoy him." Jake responded by shaking his head, still smiling too. "But yes, we can do that too."

"Let's go now ! Or it will be too late !" After all, it was already five in the afternoon.

We quickly and nearly ran to Jake's car. He started it while i started the radio so i would be able to sing a bit along the songs that would come on the radio stations. I was really more than happy for the first time since i found Jake. He was free of all of this !

When we parked in the underground parking, i could see that Alan's private car was there. So he was still inside the building. When Jake finally stopped the car, i nearly jumped out of it.

"Wait a bit Judith, don't go running in the building." Jake joked when he saw that i was still as excited as before.

"Alright, i'm calming down. Let's go !" I grabbed his hand and walked to the public entrance a bit further from the parking. At the desk was the same guy that was always there. Does he only take care of the desk ?

"Hello, i would like to see Chief Alan Bloomgate. It's really important." I said in a serious voice. Because if i didn't, he would never take me seriously. He seemed to considered what i was saying and sighed.

"Chief Bloomgate is in his office. I'll accompany you there. Follow me please." He said, turning around. Did Alan scold him after last time or what ? Not that i minded, it was faster that way.

I walked behind him, hand still in Jake's one. I tried to not be as happy as before so the guy wouldn't notice anything. We finally stopped in front of Alan's office. He left us here after knocking on the door. That was a bit weird to be honest, but i didn't care.

Alan finally opened the door and wasn't able to say anything before i threw myself at him, hugging him for the first time in my life. Which was a bit weird i have to admit.

"What the hell !" Alan nearly screamed as he stumbled a bit backward. I tried to walk inside his office while still hugging him and heard the door close. Jake probably closed it.

"Alan ! Jake's free ! He can live normally now !" I said, pulling back from him and putting my hands on his shoulders, shaking him a tiny bit.

"What ?" Alan asked, trying to stop me from shaking him even more. "What happened ?"

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